Visual Studio 2013 requires that the ExcelTemplate project be signed with a certificate. We do not provide our certificate (we can't, for security reasons), so you have to provide your own.
I don't have Visual Studio 2013 in front of me and so I'm having to type this from memory, but if you select the ExcelTemplate project in Solution Explorer, right-click it, and select "Properties", you should see a "Signing" tab on the left side of the Properties windows. Select that tab, then create your own self-signed certificate for Visual Studio to use. That should correct the build problem.
I will update the build instructions with this information. Thanks for pointing out the omission.
-- Tony
I don't have Visual Studio 2013 in front of me and so I'm having to type this from memory, but if you select the ExcelTemplate project in Solution Explorer, right-click it, and select "Properties", you should see a "Signing" tab on the left side of the Properties windows. Select that tab, then create your own self-signed certificate for Visual Studio to use. That should correct the build problem.
I will update the build instructions with this information. Thanks for pointing out the omission.
-- Tony