Complete NodeXL Release History (2014-06-04)- You can now specify different fonts for edge labels, vertex labels and group labels. Go to Graph Options, Other, Labels and click one of the three "Font" buttons. (In earlier versions, a single "Font" button set the font for both edge and vertex labels, and the font for group labels couldn't be changed.)
- Some options have been removed from the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box to simplify it. You no longer have to check "add a Tweet column to the Edges worksheet", for example, because NodeXL will now automatically add a Tweet column. The only options remaining are those that significantly slow down the network, and those remain unchecked by default.
- For users of the advanced Network Server program in the NodeXL Automation Tools: In the configuration file for getting a Twitter search network, you no longer have to specify any of the following values in the "WhatToInclude" section, because they are now included by default: Statuses, Statistics, RepliesToEdges, MentionsEdges, and NonRepliesToNonMentionsEdges. If you have old configuration files that specify these values, you do not have to edit them; the obsolete values will just be ignored.
- Also for users of the advanced Network Server program in the NodeXL Automation Tools: When the NodeXL Excel Template automatically updates itself with version, you will need to manually update the NodeXL Automation Tools to version It's available under "Other Downloads" on the CodePlex Downloads tab at (2014-05-27)
- In the Twitter Users Network (NodeXL, Data, Import, From Twitter Users Network), you can now specify how many recent tweets to analyze per user. The available range is 1 to 200.
- In the Network Server program, the network configuration file for a Graph Server Twitter search network now specifies a "days including today" number instead of a start date and an end date. (2014-05-19)
- Fixed NetworkServerStarter bug that arose when a network configuration file contained spaces. (2014-05-19)
- Fixed build problem that required the solution to be built twice. (2014-05-19)
- The NodeXL Network Server command-line program now has an option for getting a Twitter search network from the NodeXL Graph Server.
- The NodeXL Network Server command-line program will no longer create NodeXL workbooks; it will only create GraphML files. You can create NodeXL workbooks from GraphML files using the GraphML File Processor program in the NodeXL Automation Tools release.
- Bug fix: If you showed images in your graph, and there were thousands of them, and you set their size to anything other than their actual size, then NodeXL would behave badly when you attempted to show the graph. Symptoms could include garbled, unresponsive windows and error messages that included the word "OutOfMemoryException." (2014-04-28)
- The Twitter Users Network (NodeXL, Data, Import, From Twitter Users Network) now allows you to limit the network to the specified users. Previously, you would also get all the users who were replied to or mentioned by the specified users (and optionally all the friends and followers of the specified users), which often resulted in a huge network. (2014-04-16)
- Bug fix: The suggested description in the Export to NodeXL Graph Gallery dialog box wasn't including the entire graph summary. (2014-04-15)
- When you use NodeXL, Analysis, Subgraph Images, the Subgraph column now gets inserted into the second column of the Vertices worksheet instead of getting appended to the right edge of the worksheet.
- The suggested title in the Export to NodeXL Graph Gallery dialog box has been changed. Ditto for the suggested subject in the Export to Email dialog box. (2014-03-17)
- The Twitter User's Network and Twitter List Network (on the NodeXL, Data, Import menu) have been replaced by a new Twitter Users Network. (The plural "Users" indicates that you can import information about multiple users.) With the new network, you enter either a set of usernames or the name of a Twitter List, and NodeXL will analyze those users' 100 most recent tweets. You can also import those users' friends and followers, but that option is highlighted with a warning that it can take a long time to do so. (2014-02-21)
- Imported Twitter networks now have an "in-reply-to tweet ID" column.
- If you import a network from the NodeXL Graph Server (NodeXL, Data, Import, From NodeXL Graph Server), the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) now specifies how many Twitter users there are in the network.
- When you import a Twitter Search Network (NodeXL, Data, Import, From Twitter Search Network), the graph description now specifies that some of the Twitter users in the network may have only been replied to or mentioned, as opposed to having tweeted the search term themselves.
- The maximum length of the search term in the Import from NodeXL Graph Server dialog box has been increased. (2014-02-09)
- When you lay out each of the graph's groups in its own box, you can now select how the boxes are laid out. Go to NodeXL, Graph, Layout, Layout Options in the Excel ribbon. (Thanks to Cody Dunne for this feature.)
- The Check for Updates item has been removed from the Excel ribbon. NodeXL now automatically checks for updates once a day.
- Bug fix: When grouping the graph's vertices by motif (NodeXL, Analysis, Groups, Group by Motif), the motif algorithm sometimes failed to find the largest motifs. (Also Cody Dunne.) (2014-01-27, private release)
- Once this release is installed, NodeXL will automatically update itself when a new release is available. You will no longer have to manually download and install new releases.
- This release and those that follow will all be referred to as "NodeXL Excel Template 2014." New releases will continue to have version numbers, but the numbers will be less important in light of the new auto-update feature.
- If you use third-party graph data importers, such as the Social Network Importer for NodeXL, note that the folder where the importers are stored has changed. See "Using third-party graph data importers in NodeXL Excel Template 2014" at
- If you use the NodeXL Network Server, an advanced command-line program that downloads a network from Twitter and stores the network on disk in several file formats, note that the program is no longer a part of NodeXL Excel Template. See "Using the NodeXL Network Server command-line program with NodeXL Excel Template 2014" at
- When a Twitter network is imported, the hashtags in the "Hashtags in Tweet" (or "Hashtags in Latest Tweet") column are now all in lower case.
- Bug fix: In some versions of Excel, the popup menu that appears when you right-click a cell in the Edges, Vertices and Groups worksheets did not include custom NodeXL menu items.
- Bug fix, for programmers only: If the NodeXL class libraries were used in an application that targeted .NET 4.0, the shaded rectangles behind vertex label annotations were drawn in the wrong place.
- Bug fix, for programmers only: You could not build the Release version of the NodeXL solution without first building the Debug version. (2014-01-14)
- Bug fix: If you attempted to import a Twitter network on January 14, 2014 or later, you would get an error message that included the text "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden."
- It now takes significantly less time to import a graph from the NodeXL Graph Server. (This is a server-side change, so you don't need version to notice the difference.)
- Graphs imported from the NodeXL Graph Server now include vertices for people who were replied to or mentioned by the people who tweeted the specified term but who didn't tweet the term themselves. (Note 1: Collection of the additional vertices started on 2013-08-21. Networks that span earlier dates might include some additional vertices if they happen to already be in the collection database. Note 2: This is a server-side change, so you don't need version to notice the difference.)
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