Are there command line parameters I can use to perform a silent or unattended installation of NodeXL? I need to create this within SCCM for distribution, but can't find any help on doing this. running setup with a /? provides some info, but says all other commands will be passed to the installer. I have tried /S, /s, /qn- among others, but I am still getting prompted to do things during the install. I will set this up to install VSTOR seperately so I have greater control of the install process.
Any help would be great.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: tcap479 **
Any help would be great.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: tcap479 **
It won't do us any good to try to work through the mysterious /silent error, now that you've mentioned that you can't download anything from the Internet. The 2014 version of NodeXL uses a setup technology called "ClickOnce," and ClickOnce programs are tied to their source folder, which is on a website in our case. You cannot download the files to a local file share and try to install from there, because ClickOnce will notice the changed folder and will refuse to install anything.
Did you say you were able to do what you needed to do with an older version of NodeXL? If so, I would just stick with that. I don't have a better solution for you.
-- Tony