Hi all,
I've been trying to get Twitter data for the 10th of June for a specific search term but I'm only importing 219 tweets, all the from the last 3 hours and 31 minutes from that day. I've tried importing multiple times (all using the same search) and have yet to get different results. I've set the limit to 18,000, 2000, 1000 but that doesn't change the number or which tweets I'm importing.
I select "Import from Twitter Search Network"
Search for Tweets that match this query: Noble England since:2014-06-09 until:2014-06-11
Limit: 18,000
I've had success when searching for just June 9th but like I said, entering this, even if I change the since date to the 8th, returns only 219 Tweets from 20:29 to 23:57 on June 10th.
Any ideas?
I've been trying to get Twitter data for the 10th of June for a specific search term but I'm only importing 219 tweets, all the from the last 3 hours and 31 minutes from that day. I've tried importing multiple times (all using the same search) and have yet to get different results. I've set the limit to 18,000, 2000, 1000 but that doesn't change the number or which tweets I'm importing.
I select "Import from Twitter Search Network"
Search for Tweets that match this query: Noble England since:2014-06-09 until:2014-06-11
Limit: 18,000
I've had success when searching for just June 9th but like I said, entering this, even if I change the since date to the 8th, returns only 219 Tweets from 20:29 to 23:57 on June 10th.
Any ideas?