I don't know why that's happening. Here is the code that calls the SNAP executable:
Are you 100% certain that the window you're seeing is the SNAP executable window?
-- Tony
protected Boolean
SnapGraphMetrics eSnapGraphMetrics,
String sArguments,
out String sStandardError
ProcessStartInfo oProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(
GetSnapGraphMetricCalculatorPath(eSnapGraphMetrics), sArguments);
oProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
oProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
oProcessStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
Process oProcess = new Process();
oProcess.StartInfo = oProcessStartInfo;
sStandardError = oProcess.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
return (sStandardError.Length == 0);
Note that "CreateNoWindow" gets set to true, which prevents (or is supposed to prevent) a command window from opening. A command window does not open in our own Excel Template application, so this is working as expected for us.Are you 100% certain that the window you're seeing is the SNAP executable window?
-- Tony