Thank you for the interest in NodeXL!
NodeXL can group vertices in 3 ways: by connected component, by clustering algorithm, or by vertex attribute.
It sounds like you want to group by the last of these, vertex attribute.
I propose that you add a column to your Vertices worksheet called "Group".
Add the group assignment for each vertex to this column. You may be able to copy the existing group-prefix named vertices and use Excel to break the cell on the "_" character to populate this column more automatically.
Once properly attributed, you can now use the NodeXL>Analysis>Groups>Group by vertex attribute feature to place each vertex into a group based on this assignment.
Please note that you may want to configure the NodeXL>Analysis>Groups>Group options feature to select which level - Groups or Vertices - will control the display attributes of each vertex. In other words, NodeXL can assign color and shape based on group assignment or allow the vertex level attributes to "shine through".
You may want to use the NodeXL>Visual Properties>Autofill columns feature to select data attributes to govern display attributes.
You may also want to use the NodeXL>Show/Hide>Workbook Columns>Visual properties feature to reveal the normally hidden workbook columns that control the look of each edge, vertex and group. Once revealed, you may edit these values in each cell directly. Use the NodeXL>Graph>Refresh graph to push the updated data to the graph display pane.
Thank you for the interest in NodeXL!
NodeXL can group vertices in 3 ways: by connected component, by clustering algorithm, or by vertex attribute.
It sounds like you want to group by the last of these, vertex attribute.
I propose that you add a column to your Vertices worksheet called "Group".
Add the group assignment for each vertex to this column. You may be able to copy the existing group-prefix named vertices and use Excel to break the cell on the "_" character to populate this column more automatically.
Once properly attributed, you can now use the NodeXL>Analysis>Groups>Group by vertex attribute feature to place each vertex into a group based on this assignment.
Please note that you may want to configure the NodeXL>Analysis>Groups>Group options feature to select which level - Groups or Vertices - will control the display attributes of each vertex. In other words, NodeXL can assign color and shape based on group assignment or allow the vertex level attributes to "shine through".
You may want to use the NodeXL>Visual Properties>Autofill columns feature to select data attributes to govern display attributes.
You may also want to use the NodeXL>Show/Hide>Workbook Columns>Visual properties feature to reveal the normally hidden workbook columns that control the look of each edge, vertex and group. Once revealed, you may edit these values in each cell directly. Use the NodeXL>Graph>Refresh graph to push the updated data to the graph display pane.