Complete NodeXL Release History (2013-05-19, private release)- The Twitter Search Network now uses experimental shared term thresholds. This is part of an effort to obtain meaningful edges without running into Twitter's new rate limits. (2013-05-01, private release)
- The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For advanced users of private releases only.)
- Bug fix: If you specified shared hashtag, URL, word, or word pair edge relationships in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) did not mention the fact that the graph included those edges. (Private releases only.) (2013-04-25, private release)
- Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel would refuse to save the workbook. The error message started with "Errors were detected while saving..." This is an Excel bug that will also arise if you type "http://" directly into a cell. This change does not fix the latter problem. (2013-04-24, private release)
- If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no additional time will be required to get the network. This used to require additional Twitter requests, and it was marked as "slower" in the dialog box. (2013-04-08, private release)
- Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-04-08)
- Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered a space (or a colon, or a few other special characters) into the "Add a vertex for each..." textbox on the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, you would get a message that included the text, "The Twitter Web service refused to provide the requested information." (2013-03-25, private release)
- Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-03-25)
- There are some major changes in NodeXL's Twitter importers. See Changes in NodeXL's Twitter Importers for more information.
- When you use dynamic filters (NodeXL, Analysis, Dynamic Filters), filtering an edge will automatically filter its adjacent vertices if the filtering causes those vertices to become isolates.
- If you set the Visibility of vertex X to "Skip" and vertex X has adjacent vertices that are connected only to vertex X, then those adjacent vertices are now skipped as well. Previously, the adjacent vertices would remain in the graph as isolates. (2013-01-25, private release)
- There are some new edge options in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box. (2013-01-19, private release)
- In the Export to Email dialog box, (NodeXL, Data, Export, To Email), there is a new button for inserting a sample message.
- When you import a set of GraphML files into a set of new NodeXL workbooks (NodeXL, Data, Import, From GraphML Files), a bad GraphML file will no longer stop NodeXL in its tracks. Any bad GraphML files are now reported after all the good GraphML files are imported.
- There are some new edge options in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box.
- Bug fix: If you entered an Image File value on the Vertices worksheet that included an invalid character, such as a less-than sign, you would get an error message that included the text "[ArgumentException]: Illegal characters in path". Now there will be no error message, and instead an image of a red X will be shown in the graph pane.
- Bug fix: If you automated a workbook (NodeXL, Graph, Automate), checked "save workbook to a new file if it has never been saved," and the specified folder to save the workbook to didn't exist, you would get an error message that included the text "[COMException]: Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file...". Now you get a message telling you how to fix the problem.
- Bug fix, for programmers only: If you colored vertices by using the System.Windows.Media.Color type for ReservedMetadataKeys.PerColor values, you created groups, and then you collapsed a group, you would get an ArgumentException with the message "The value with the key "~PDColor" is of type System.Windows.Media.Color. The expected type is System.Drawing.Color." This did not occur if you used the System.Drawing.Color type. (2012-12-07)
- If you import a Twitter search network (NodeXL, Data, Import, From Twitter Search Network), the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) now includes the actual number of Twitter users in the network, not just the maximum number.
- If you autofill the group label column (NodeXL, Visual Properties, Autofill Columns), you can now tell NodeXL to prepend the group name to the group label. (2012-11-25)
- The maximum Size value in the Vertices worksheet has been increased from 100 to 1,000, so NodeXL will make the vertices in the graph pane much larger if you tell it to.
- When you use what is commonly called "group in a box" (NodeXL, Graph, Layout, Layout Options, "Lay out each of the graph's groups in its own box), the boxes now have less contrast with the graph background, so they don't stand out as much.
- If you export the graph to email (NodeXL, Data, Export, To Email), you can now include HTML markup in the email's message, and you can place a graph summary or an image of the graph anywhere in the message. (2012-11-19, private release)
- NodeXL will now group the graph's vertices by motif. Motifs are a new way to reduce the visual complexity of your graph. With motif simplification, common repeating network motifs are replaced with easily understandable glyphs that require less space, are easier to understand, and reveal hidden relationships. Go to NodeXL, Analysis, Groups, Group by Motif. (This work was done by Cody Dunne and Ben Shneiderman at the University of Maryland.)
- Bug fix: If you used the NodeXL Network Server program to import a Twitter network, the graph summary did not include any data import details. The data import details are now always included when the NodeXL Network Server program is used. (2012-11-13, private release)
- The way the Size column on the Vertices worksheet affects the actual size of Image vertices in the graph pane has been changed. The range of actual Image vertex sizes was too large before; now it has been compressed into something more sensible.
- If you automate the graph (NodeXL, Graph, Automate), there is a new option for automatically exporting the graph to the NodeXL Graph Gallery.
- If you automate the graph, there is a new option for automatically exporting the graph to email.
- If you export the graph to email, the email is now in HTML format and includes an embedded image of the graph.
- You can now enter a longer description when exporting a graph to the NodeXL Graph Gallery or to email.
- The order of items in the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) has been changed: The "Groups" item now comes immediately after the "Graph type" item.
- The order of items in the Twitter Search Network Top Items worksheet (and in the graph summary) has been changed: The "Top Replied-To" and "Top Mentioned" items now come immediately before the "Top Tweeters."
- Each column in the Twitter Search Network Top Items worksheet is now only as wide as the longest column name in the column. The column used to be as wide as the longest cell contents in the column, which made the column too wide when the cells contained URLs, for example.
- Bug fix: If you entered an invalid email address in the Export to Email dialog box, you would get an ugly error message that included the text "FormatException." You now get a message that makes sense.
- For programmers: Several benign build warnings involving XML documentation have been fixed. (These warnings showed up only in Visual Studio 2010, not 2008.) (2012-10-16)
- You can now email your graph directly from NodeXL. Your email can include the NodeXL workbook and the graph data as GraphML. Go to NodeXL, Data, Export, To Email.
- If you export a large graph to the NodeXL Graph Gallery (NodeXL, Data, Export, To NodeXL Graph Gallery) and you include the graph data as GraphML, the export is now much faster. (The GraphML is now zipped before it is exported).
- You can now export your graph to a GEXF file. (GEXF is a file format used by the Gephi program.) Go to NodeXL, Data, Export, To GEXF file in the Excel ribbon.
- The "Import from YouTube Video Network" feature (NodeXL, Data, Import) no longer offers an "add an edge for each pair of videos tagged with the same keyword" option, because YouTube will no longer provide programs like NodeXL with keyword information. It has been replaced with an "add an edge for each pair of videos that have the same category" option.
- The "Import from YouTube User's Network" feature no longer offers an "add a vertex for each friend of the user" option. YouTube will no longer provide this information.
- If you group the graph's vertices by motif, you can now group by clique motifs in addition to fan and D-parallel motifs. (This work was done by Cody Dunne at the University of Maryland.)
- If you use the Network Server program to import networks into GraphML files, and you then import the GraphML files into NodeXL workbooks using NodeXL, Data, Import, From GraphML File or From GraphML Files, the data import details ("The graph represents a network of up to 100 Twitter users...") are now preserved.
- For programmers: The NodeXL source code is now available on the CodePlex "Source Code" tab. The source code will no longer be provided as separate releases on the Downloads tab.