Thanks for the interest in NodeXL!
TAGS and NodeXL use the same API calls so the results should be similar.
You may want to import the TAGS data into NodeXL if TAGS is collecting more data.
See: https://nodexl.codeplex.com/discussions/653633
Twitter's public free API has many limits. Data is available only for 7-8 days. Queries cannot return more than 18,000 tweets.
The follower network is further restricted: the rate at which queries about who follows who can be asked is low.
The follower list is limited to the most recent 2,000 users.
NodeXL Pro does not enable the collection of data beyond these limits.
Twitter imposes many rate limits via its data API. NodeXL Basic and Pro are both effected by these limits.
That said, NodeXL can process data from commercial data providers (like Crimson Hexagon or Radian6). While these are expensive options, they may be the only way to get historical data from Twitter.
Please see:
Within the past 7 or 8 day time frame, you may be able to get a little bit more data from the public Twitter API by using the SINCE: and UNTIL: operators - example:
QUERYTERM since:2016-01-21 until:2016-01-27
Since: and Until: operators scope the time frame of the query.
Twitter controls its API and throttles it based on unknowable parameters. We notice that the more the volume of tweets == less tweets delivered.
One alternative is to do day long slices and append them in order to maximize the data available from Twitter.
You may also be interested in this: http://graphserverimporter.codeplex.com which enables NodeXL to connect to the "STREAM" API from Twitter (which sometimes delivers larger volumes of data).
Thanks for the interest in NodeXL!
TAGS and NodeXL use the same API calls so the results should be similar.
You may want to import the TAGS data into NodeXL if TAGS is collecting more data.
See: https://nodexl.codeplex.com/discussions/653633
Twitter's public free API has many limits. Data is available only for 7-8 days. Queries cannot return more than 18,000 tweets.
The follower network is further restricted: the rate at which queries about who follows who can be asked is low.
The follower list is limited to the most recent 2,000 users.
NodeXL Pro does not enable the collection of data beyond these limits.
Twitter imposes many rate limits via its data API. NodeXL Basic and Pro are both effected by these limits.
That said, NodeXL can process data from commercial data providers (like Crimson Hexagon or Radian6). While these are expensive options, they may be the only way to get historical data from Twitter.
Please see:
Within the past 7 or 8 day time frame, you may be able to get a little bit more data from the public Twitter API by using the SINCE: and UNTIL: operators - example:
QUERYTERM since:2016-01-21 until:2016-01-27
Since: and Until: operators scope the time frame of the query.
Twitter controls its API and throttles it based on unknowable parameters. We notice that the more the volume of tweets == less tweets delivered.
One alternative is to do day long slices and append them in order to maximize the data available from Twitter.
You may also be interested in this: http://graphserverimporter.codeplex.com which enables NodeXL to connect to the "STREAM" API from Twitter (which sometimes delivers larger volumes of data).