New Post: How to use LoadGraphFromStream function?
Yeah! The problem is solved! Another question, How could I use the mouse to click on an edge just like clicking on a vertex and drag the edge?
View ArticleNew Post: How to use LoadGraphFromStream function?
Doug: NodeXL doesn't have a way to do that. The problem is that edges are so narrow, often just one pixel wide, that it would be difficult to position the mouse in just the right place to allow the...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL tab does not appear
Mike: What's supposed to happen is this: There is a hidden marker in the NodeXL template file (NodeXLGraph.xltx) that identifies the template as what's called a VSTO solution."VSTO" stands for "Visual...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL tab does not appear
Sounds like a plan, and no apologies, you provided much more help than I expected and the explanations were great. I'll post follow-ups as things improve. The help is much appreciated. Thanks, Mike
View ArticleNew Post: Nodexl doesn't recognize data
Hi, Tony. Which software do you recommend to do the trick? Regards.
View ArticleNew Post: Nodexl doesn't recognize data
So, in the future, which would be your suggestion? To open an existing dataset and to order the program to collect the data on the same spreadsheet on successive days?
View ArticleNew Post: Nodexl doesn't recognize data
I was able to append all of them! What I did was to copy paste the columns I need ignoring the ID column. Everytime I added a new database, I erased all duplicated vertices and edges with the exact...
View ArticleNew Post: Two questions about NodeXL?
Dear tcap479:1) Can NodeCl draw tow edges between two vertices? For example, two communication node have two or more of the physical link. 2) When using NodeXl's graph algorithm to computer Degree...
View ArticleNew Post: Mysterious extra box by every vertex
There's an additional issue with having the label background offset which may affect the priority of a bugfix. The label background remains selectable regardless of alpha value. I'd applied the alpha...
View ArticleNew Post: Two questions about NodeXL?
Hi, Doug: You can draw two or more edges between a pair of vertices. However, they get drawn directly on top of each other, so unless you alter their visual attributes (making one of them wider but not...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.238 (2013-04-08) Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered a space (or a colon, or a few other special characters) into the "Add a vertex for each..."...
View ArticleReleased: NodeXL Excel Template, version (Apr 08, 2013)
The NodeXL Excel template displays a network graph using edge and vertex lists stored in an Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 workbook. Please help support the development of NodeXL with your donation.What's...
View ArticleUpdated Release: NodeXL Excel Template, version (Apr 08, 2013)
The NodeXL Excel template displays a network graph using edge and vertex lists stored in an Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 workbook.Please help support the development of NodeXL with your donation.What's New...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.239 (2013-04-08, private release) Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-04-08) Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered...
View ArticleNew Post: Two questions about NodeXL?
So edge weights does not make any sense in NodeXL?
View ArticleNew Post: Two questions about NodeXL?
Doug: NodeXL uses edge weights within the Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm, where large edge weights result in larger attractive forces between vertices. They are also used for various...
View ArticleNew Post: Mysterious extra box by every vertex
Not through the NodeXL API, no. The only thing I can think of is for you to download the source code, remove the calls that draw the background, and build the solution yourself. The steps to do that...
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