New Post: Closeness Centrality
Hi, I am a reasonably new Node XL user and have generated some metrics for the network I am looking at. The Closeness Centrality measure comes in as 0.014 for the central user (ego) and 0.007 for every...
View ArticleNew Post: Wakita Tsurumi Algorithm
from where i can read about wakita and tsurumi algorithm .. i have no idea about algorithm ..
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: API Documentation [25702]
Hello,Please provide the API documentation online.In the CHM file I only see error pages (see below). The solution described [here]( does not work...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Excel doesn't show NodeXL [25669]
I've installed it and run Office 2013 (64bit). I am not seeing the tab that should be there. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times - but, I do not see how to start nodexl.I downloaded the...
View ArticleNew Post: RE: Invalid Cast Exception
Hello I am just trying to make NodeXL's Graph Metrics function work, but when I do, this error message comes up:  The rest of NodeXL seems to work quite well, and I...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Excel doesn't show NodeXL [25669]
I've installed it and run Office 2013 (64bit). I am not seeing the tab that should be there. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times - but, I do not see how to start nodexl.I downloaded the...
View ArticleNew Post: How to pull the whole of a Twitter Network?
Hi guys, How is it possible to pull the whole of a Twitter network rather than just a sample? I've just tried to pull one through NodeXL now to visualise it but it only brings 2,000 followers out of...
View ArticleNew Post: Twitter Streaming API
Hello! NodeXL complies with all Terms of Service and does not have a mechanism to avoid or get around any rate limits. Our goal is to make full use of what social media network sites provide, and no...
View ArticleNew Post: How to pull the whole of a Twitter Network?
The network you describe is probably not possible to get or visualize with NodeXL. Twitter significantly limits access to the Follow network. NodeXL will get up to the most recent 2,000 followers. For...
View ArticleNew Post: RE: Invalid Cast Exception
I was not able to see your error message (Codeplex does not allow it) - can you paste the content of the text of the error? Regards, Marc
View ArticleNew Post: Wakita Tsurumi Algorithm
Here is the paper: Finding community structure in mega-scale social networks: Community analysis algorithm proposed by Clauset, Newman, and Moore (CNM...
View ArticleNew Post: Wakita Tsurumi Algorithm
NetworkAnalysis asks the Q: Is there a way to find out the number of boundary edges in each community thus detected? Yes: See the Group Vertices worksheet where there is a row describing the...
View ArticleNew Post: nodexl project
Hello! A good place to look for NodeXL related publications: See also: Algorithms in NodeXL are documented in the...
View ArticleNew Post: Install Error
This thread is related to your issue: Please try this: In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\VSTO\10.0. In that...
View ArticleNew Post: collapsed group vertex size
Hello! Thanks for the interest in NodeXL. In the collapsed state, the meta Vertex that represents a group is sized in proportion to the number of vertices it contains. At the moment, NodeXL does not...
View ArticleNew Post: Modularity
Modularity is calculated by the network clustering algorithms available in NodeXL. NodeXL implements Givan-Newman, Clauset-Newman-Moore, and Wakita and Tsurumi. Modularity is a percentage of edges that...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Click Once Hash Issue [25708]
I'm getting a hash validation issue on Donate.jpg when trying to install using the latest installer. Not sure if this is on my side or in the package. I've tried many approaches and re-downloaded a few...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Click Once Hash Issue [25708]
I'm getting a hash validation issue on Donate.jpg when trying to install using the latest installer. Not sure if this is on my side or in the package. I've tried many approaches and re-downloaded a few...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Click Once Hash Issue [25708]
I'm getting a hash validation issue on Donate.jpg when trying to install using the latest installer. Not sure if this is on my side or in the package. I've tried many approaches and re-downloaded a few...
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