New Post: retrieve tweets for longer periods
Hello, I have been trying to retrieve tweets using certain words but I am only able to get those that have been delivered the last few days and they don't add up to more than 100. How can I set up the...
View ArticleNew Post: Error Importing data from facebook users network page
Hello, I am using “NodeXLTemplate2014” and I am trying to import a group created in my facebook account. The name of the group page I am trying to import appears and I can select it. The steps I am...
View ArticleNew Post: How to display a large graph?
I have a hierarchy stored in database in id, parent_id form. It has millions nodes. As I understand I can read all nodes from db, create vertices and then draw. But user will long wait when graph...
View ArticleNew Post: How to save vertex location in GraphML ?
I use GraphML to save Graph and I can save vertex label , shape, Image and ... but I cant save vertex location. I Export and Import all of...
View ArticleNew Post: How to save vertex location in GraphML ?
Hello, the Vertex object has a property named Location. You can read/write the vertex location using this property:oVertex.Location = new System.Drawing.PointF(2,3); Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: How to display a large graph?
Hello, displaying the graph progressively will include (as you too mentioned):read portion of data from dbadd to the graphdraw start over again In this way every time you draw the graph (step 3) you...
View ArticleNew Post: Error Importing data from facebook users network page
Hello, can you please specify the options you selected in the group importer? Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: retrieve tweets for longer periods
Hello, Twitter API returns only tweets from the last 7 days and you can get a maximum of 100 tweets per call, but you can make 180 calls in 1 hour (which sums up to 18,000 tweets). If you want to get...
View ArticleNew Post: Message Posting Issue
Hi I have reported an issue in an earlier post: I think it did not make its way to the discussion forum. Could you please have a look and provide me...
View ArticleNew Post: How to display a large graph?
Thank you. It is exactly what about I asked. As I see no chance to have dynamic graph but only static.
View ArticleNew Post: Twitter's new public data
Hello all, Is there any thought to taking advantage of Twitter's new release of all tweets across time for NodeXL? I would love to go back and get the traffic for the May 20th tornado in Oklahoma. I...
View ArticleNew Post: First NodelXl attempt: Group metrics blank
Hi I am new to NodeXL. I need help as all group metrics are showing as blank. I added the edge list and then grouped the vertices in the Group Vertices sheet. When I run Graph Metics, the metrics in...
View ArticleNew Post: Freeman centralization
Hi Does NodeXL not have a way to calculate centralization scores for each group? Thanks Santosh
View ArticleNew Post: how to export mixed Graph?
I want to use GraphML to Export graph but and Exception says: The graph can't be saved as the file type you've selected, because the graph is mixed and the file type can't be used with mixed graphs....
View ArticleNew Post: How to save vertex location in GraphML ?
Tank you arber, but I cant Add oVertex.Location to graphML for Export.
View ArticleNew Post: exporting groups
Thanks for making this project available to us! I am having a problem exporting clusters/groups into a new workbook. I was able to export two clusters into a new NodeXL workbook successfully, but...
View ArticleNew Post: Urgent help needed...
Hello everyone, It might be my bad english or my over tired neurons but I really urgently need help about a really basic greenhorn problem: I would like to export a twitter account to gephi and a...
View ArticleNew Post: Box Layout algorithm
I did groups based on CNM clusters and represented them in the layout with the Force Directed option (Layout Options "Box Layout algorithm), blocked the graph (selected all vertices and did Lock) and...
View ArticleNew Post: Searching by geolocation and/or language
Hello everybody, I was wondering if it was possible to look for a specified geolocation or a language within the search network? Has anyone experience with that? Thank you so much nodexl! :) Best, bE_
View ArticleNew Post: Matlab compatibility
Hello! Can I import a sparse matrix from Matlab into NodeXL to visualize and analyze the graph created in Matlab? The reason I want to create the graph in Matlab is to be able to customize the network...
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