New Post: Word & Word Pairs: Sentiment Lists
Just upgraded to Pro version and having trouble seeing how to modify the two existing or how to add my own sentiment lists. When I launch the Graph Metric options and select Word and Word Pairs, and...
View ArticleNew Post: Word & Word Pairs: Sentiment Lists
Hello! Thanks for the interest in NodeXL! The "Sentiment" feature remain in testing. There are some elements of the feature already in place - but the full interface will be revealed later this month....
View ArticleNew Post: Word & Word Pairs: Sentiment Lists
Hey, thanks for the quick response and I look forward to seeing the additional functionality.
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Problem with instalation [65020]
I have a student who is trying to install NodeXL on a Windows 7 machine. When he launches the template, he is getting an error from Smrf.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.vst that says Specified value was out of...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Problem with instalation [65020]
I have a student who is trying to install NodeXL on a Windows 7 machine. When he launches the template, he is getting an error from Smrf.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.vst that says Specified value was out of...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Installation Error [65026]
Good day sir, I am a student and i tried installing nodexl on my laptop. My system runs on windows 7 32bits, attached is the error that i get. i would be glad if assisted early. Thanks
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.346 (2015-12-07) NodeXL Pro:Fixed YouTube Importers.Fixed dependency problems fro .NET Framework (2015-11-30) NodeXL Pro:Fixed YouTube Importers.Added...
View ArticleNew Post: importing file
I'm trying to import from my Desktop the file les Mirables (from the book). error message : This document contains custom code that cannot be loaded because the location... bla, bla, bla For more...
View ArticleNew Post: importing file
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL. Excel files (including NodeXL files) that are not in a "Trusted Location" may not be opened. See:...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: importing file
Marc, thank you for your fast answering This error message came exactly when I used NodeXL>Data>Import>From NodeXL Workbook Created on Another Computer
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: NodeXL Basic forcing to pro? [65027]
I've been using NodeXL Basic for weeks now and all of a sudden it won't let me open any graphs I previously created in Basic, and instead is requesting a license key for Pro. When I just close out of...
View ArticleNew Post: label size
Is there any option of changing (increase) the size of a label of a vertex?
View ArticleNew Post: Facebook Fan Pages - Download Comments
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if and how it is possible to download a selection of posts from a Facebook Fan Page AND the comments that each of these receive? I have been...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: label size
Hello! Not yet. You can use the "Label" Shape - that does vary with Vertex size. But it also replaces the vertex image or other shape. Regards, Marc
View ArticleNew Post: label size
Thank you Marc, I was afraid of this answer :-( --- Bons codigos / Have a nice code Daniel deOliveira JUG Leader / Founding Java Champion / Duke's Choice Award Twitter/Facebook/Skype danieldfjug [email...
View ArticleNew Post: An unexpected problem occured.
Please help me out.The same error message has kept popping up as follows:NodeXL An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Error during installation - Exception reading manifest...
Won't installSystem Info: Windows 8.1, 64 bit, 8GB, i7-4600U, Office 2013 (click-to-run), O365Error is as follows: There was an error during installationName: NodeXL Excel TemplateFrom:...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Cannot complete installation [25490]
Hi, I cannot complete installation of NodeXL.I receive the message "There was an error during installation"It seems to be a proxy error. "(407) Proxy Authentication Required"I am behind a corporate...
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