New Post: Multiple Relationships
Hi, I have been trying to get NodeXL to recalculate metrics after filtering out edges, but it does not appear to recalculate. I get the same values on all metrics regardless of whether I have filtered...
View ArticleNew Post: Multiple Relationships
If you set the "Visibility" of an Edge to "Skip" it will not be included in calculations.Marc
View ArticleNew Post: Facebook Fan Pages - Download Comments
I am sorry to ask the same question again. I am using NodeXL pro. I require to download few posts and comments and likes for it. Can anyone help me with simple steps. I have already installed Social...
View ArticleNew Post: Unable to retrieve data despite Pro account
I have a pro account. I am trying to query data for Microsoft tweets since January, 2016. It is only returning a few rows. What could the issue be ? The problem is persisting since a day. Please advise
View ArticleNew Post: Facebook tutorials and documentation insufficient
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! As you note, Facebook's API has changed a great deal since the last NodeXL book. The new book in progress will update the use of Facebook in social media...
View ArticleNew Post: Unable to retrieve data despite Pro account
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! Twitter's public free API has many limits. Data is available only for 7-8 days. Queries cannot return more than 18,000 tweets. The follower network is...
View ArticleNew Post: Facebook Fan Pages - Download Comments
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! The Facebook Fan Page and Facebook Group network importers are now standard features of NodeXL Pro. There is no longer any need to install the "Social...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Certificate issue when installing [65141]
Hello, I am trying to install NodeXL on Windows 10 with Excel 2013. I am encountering the same error that many users are, which is that the certificate is not trusted.I am running as administrator, and...
View ArticleNew Post: Updates to xlpro and various importers?
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! NodeXL's core data importers (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr) are all updated automatically when NodeXL is updated. Third party importers are not...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: Disable splash-screen
How to disable stupid splash-screen? I've seen it once and IMHO thats enough. I dont intent to send you money, so?
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: Disable splash-screen
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL. Both NodeXL Basic and NodeXL Pro start with a splash screen. You may dismiss the splash screen with the escape key. Regards, Marc
View ArticleNew Post: An error occurred downloading
An error occurred downloading the following resource: Date: 2016/4/18 19:05:09 See the setup log file located at...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: Combine Workbooks - Twitter Data
Hello, I have several workbooks with Twitter imports (consisting the results from "Twitter Search Networks" to one specific keyword, in different time periods). How can I combine them into one...
View ArticleNew Post: Combine Workbooks - Twitter Data
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! Here is a suggested merge path for multiple files: Write each file to graphml: NodeXL>Data>Export>To GraphML File... In the...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: "there was an error during instllation" [65142]
There seems to be an issue downloading this software - even as an administrator. I work at a Business College and need to be able to get this software for a client who is a faculty member. As an admin...
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