Updated Wiki: NodeXL Teaching Resources
NodeXL Teaching ResourcesA number of instructors have been using NodeXL to help teach social network analysis. It is relatively easy to use compared to many other network analysis and visualization...
View ArticleNew Post: How to add NodeXL in the ASP.NET web page
It's just a static picture, so by itself there is no interactivity available for it. It's conceivable that you (or someone else) could write some custom server-side .NET code that would read the Graph...
View ArticleNew Post: Automatically export e-mail from Outlook by timeframes
Alex: If you are asking about an "email date" column on the Edges worksheet, then that isn't possible. Each row that NodeXL's Import from Email Network feature adds to the Edges worksheet can represent...
View ArticleNew Post: How to add NodeXL in the ASP.NET web page
Thanks Tony So vertex click event can only be implemented when using NodeXL for desktop application but cannot be implemented in web application? If so, i will try to follow your suggestion and do it...
View ArticleNew Post: How to add NodeXL in the ASP.NET web page
Ramesh: That is correct. The sample ASP.NET code that I posted in December creates nothing more than a static image, which has no vertex Click events, or any other events, for that matter. It creates a...
View ArticleCreated Issue: gexf and graphml export error [23971]
---------------------------NodeXL---------------------------An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to...
View ArticleNew Post: Error Message (says to copy here...)
NodeXL An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to http://www.codeplex.com/NodeXL/Thread/List.aspx. Details:...
View ArticleNew Post: Drawing motifs using the .net libraries
Hello, just downloaded the latest libraries. I see that there is a way to calculate the motifs for a graph, but I don't know what to do with the resulting collection of motifs to draw it. Is there a...
View ArticleCommented Issue: gexf and graphml export error [23971]
---------------------------NodeXL---------------------------An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to...
View ArticleNew Post: Drawing motifs using the .net libraries
We don't yet support the use of motifs in other applications. There are a few problems we have to work through, including the one regarding the SNAP executable, before that can happen. -- Tony
View ArticleNew Post: Error Message (says to copy here...)
Is this a consistent problem that happens over and over again, or was it a one-time occurrence? If it's consistent, please tell me what it is you do in the NodeXL workbook that makes this happen....
View ArticleNew Post: Files don't reopen with the graph or NODEXL ribbon
I am using NodeXL in Office 2007 on a partiioned Mac (latest OS, partitioned with VMware Fusion). It works perfectly until I reopen a saved file. When I do, the graph is no longer there, nor is the...
View ArticleNew Post: Error Message (says to copy here...)
Just happened the one time, so I can't duplicate it.
View ArticleNew Post: Hub and spoke pattern for very small networks.
Hi, I am working with some relatively small (130 nodes) networks. For a subset of the network, I want to create one view that is a simple hub-and-spoke, with a large center node and the other nodes...
View ArticleNew Post: error message received
Marc et. al - here is the error message I get when I reopen a NODEXL file. Running Windows 7, MS Office 2007, on a partitioned Mac. When I open the file, all of my data in the columns is there, but...
View ArticleCommented Issue: gexf and graphml export error [23971]
---------------------------NodeXL---------------------------An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to...
View ArticleNew Post: Hub and spoke pattern for very small networks.
Patti: See if this gives you what you need: Manually drag the hub vertex to the center of the graph. Right-click the hub vertex, select "Edit Selected Vertex Properties" from the right-click menu, and...
View ArticleNew Post: Error Message (says to copy here...)
Okay. Thank you for reporting it. -- Tony
View ArticleNew Post: Files don't reopen with the graph or NODEXL ribbon
John: Are you saving your NodeXL workbooks to a folder that is shared between the Windows and Mac partitions? I suspect that's the cause of the problem you are seeing. Try saving a workbook to a folder...
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