New Post: Import from Twitter user's network
I had the same errors as both of the people above and it WAS the clock! I changed my clock to correct time and now it is taking me to authorization page :-) Who would've thought ???
View ArticleNew Post: Import from Twitter user's network
Thanks for letting us know that setting your computer's clock fixed the problem for you. It has to do with some arcane "handshaking" that goes on between NodeXL and Twitter during the authorization...
View ArticleNew Post: Programitically download Twitter data into GraphML using NodeXL
Hi, Is there any library to programatically download the twitter data into a GraphML provided by NodeXL library. If not, it will be great if anyone knows of such api which can do so. Thanks
View ArticleNew Post: something may be wrong
Path: \nodexl-70521\NodeXL\Layouts\Layouts\HarelKoren\HarelKorenFastMultiscaleLayoutInternal.cs Line: 253 (maybe) Code: " if (Math.Abs(C) < eps && Math.Abs(C) < eps) " Should it be " if...
View ArticleNew Post: Different Centralities Results from Les Miserables between version...
Hello, I'm self-learning the version 226 to teach an undergrad course in Communication Studies and have a question regarding the different results of centrality scores between the version113 (that the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Error occurring while importing GraphML files [24069]
---------------------------NodeXL---------------------------An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to...
View ArticleNew Post: Different Centralities Results from Les Miserables between version...
Klee: You've guessed correctly. Since version 113 was published, which was more than three years ago, we've switched to using a high-performance software package called "SNAP"...
View ArticleNew Post: Programitically download Twitter data into GraphML using NodeXL
We don't package that as a library, but the source code is available on NodeXL's Source Code tab at The relevant code is in a project called "GraphDataProviders." What...
View ArticleNew Post: Different Centralities Results from Les Miserables between version...
Thanks Tony, much appreciated! -Hazel
View ArticleNew Post: Programitically download Twitter data into GraphML using NodeXL
Hi Tony, I am trying to learn NodeXL in order to create an app which is not having any dependency on Excel. I have a winform project in which I am trying to use the NodeXL libraries to draw a graph out...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Error occurring while importing GraphML files [24069]
---------------------------NodeXL---------------------------An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to...
View ArticleNew Post: something may be wrong
Well, there is clearly something wrong with the line of code you pointed out. The person who wrote the Harel-Koren layout, which is definitely one of the more complicated parts of NodeXL (it's over a...
View ArticleNew Post: Programitically download Twitter data into GraphML using NodeXL
I think you can reuse NodeXL's Twitter library without too much difficulty. I'll include instructions for doing so in my next post. Please note the following: I haven't actually tried doing this, but I...
View ArticleNew Post: Programitically download Twitter data into GraphML using NodeXL
To reuse NodeXL's Twitter network importers in another application: Download the NodeXL source code. Open NodeXL.sln in Visual Studio 2008 or 2010. If you are using Visual Studio 2010, let Visual...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Error occurring while importing GraphML files [24069]
---------------------------NodeXL---------------------------An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to...
View ArticleNew Post: Twitter API 1.1 and Excel 2013?
Does NodeXL work with the revised Twitter API (1.1)? Does it work with Excel 2013?
View ArticleNew Post: something may be wrong
Hi Tony. Thank you for your reply. Harel-Koren layout in NodeXL is the only code I've studied so far. As a fresh man, I'm not sure whether something's wrong with the code either. In my opinoin, it is...
View ArticleNew Post: Programitically download Twitter data into GraphML using NodeXL
Thanks a ton Tony.... This is indeed helpful. Let me explore this more and then provide my feedback
View ArticleNew Post: Twitter API 1.1 and Excel 2013?
NodeXL versions and earlier will not work with Twitter API 1.1. They use the old Twitter API 1.0, which is still working as of today. We have an updated version of NodeXL waiting in the wings...
View ArticleNew Post: Twitter API 1.1 and Excel 2013?
We haven't tested NodeXL with Excel 2013. Some people have reported that it works fine, while a few people have reported installation problems. We obviously need to address this issue, but we've been...
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