New Post: Graph diameter in directed graph
Hello, Alvaro, NodeXL doesn't take the graph's directedness into account when it calculates geodesic distances. It treats all graph as undirected for these particular metrics. -- Tony
View ArticleNew Post: Graph diameter in directed graph
Hello Tony, I understand, But it seems to me that node metrics (e.g. betweenness) do take directedness into account. Am I right ? Thanks Alvaro
View ArticleNew Post: Tree Layout
Hi, I'm trying to use NODEXL for tree structure (I know that there are other tool specially for such layout but i prefer to use the NODEXL due to other factors) I have used the SugiyamaLayout but this...
View ArticleNew Post: Medical Choose Your Own Adventure
First time user; so I apologize for my naivety about this program. I am looking at medical "choose your own adventure" patient cases. People can make choices on what they would do next given a set of...
View ArticleNew Post: Medical Choose Your Own Adventure
Just to add a little more clarification: Can edge weight or vertex size be a function of an increased number of connections (the more repeat connections = thicker edge line)? I noticed a similar post...
View ArticleCommented Issue: First time running error [23879]
I'm attempting to run NodeXL for the first time and get the following error:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------```Name:...
View ArticleCommented Issue: First time running error [23879]
I'm attempting to run NodeXL for the first time and get the following error:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------```Name:...
View ArticleNew Post: Graph diameter in directed graph
Hi, Alvaro: The graph's directedness is ignored when calculating PageRank, closeness centrality and eigenvector centrality. It is taken into account when calculating betweenness centrality, degree,...
View ArticleNew Post: Tree Layout
The SugiyamaLayout is broken in NodeXL. It worked well at one time, but when we switched the display layer from GDI-plus to WPF, the scaling in SugiyamaLayout broke and it hasn't been fixed yet. I've...
View ArticleNew Post: Medical Choose Your Own Adventure
I don't know how to do that for edges, but here is how you can do it for vertex size: In the Excel ribbon, go to NodeXL, Analysis, Graph Metrics. In the Graph Metrics dialog box, check "Vertex degree"...
View ArticleNew Post: Want to calculate edge weights as a function of edge attributes
Hey Marc, thanks for your reply! The IF function is definitely what I want to be using here. However, I'm still unsure as to how I get the graph to reflect the edge weights, i.e. bring vertices with...
View ArticleNew Post: Tree Layout
Tnx, Do you have a suggestion for another WPF control that can visualize a tree structure with thousands (or even more) of nodes - something good with functionality as the NODEXL have ? I googled that...
View ArticleCommented Issue: First time running error [23879]
I'm attempting to run NodeXL for the first time and get the following error:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------```Name:...
View ArticleNew Post: Does NodeXL accept Arabic Hashtags ? If Yes, How?
I have the same problem, I get no results with Arabic hashtags, when I converted them to percent encoding using this tool, I got English results that has nothing to do...
View ArticleCommented Issue: First time running error [23879]
I'm attempting to run NodeXL for the first time and get the following error:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------```Name:...
View ArticleCommented Issue: First time running error [23879]
I'm attempting to run NodeXL for the first time and get the following error:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------```Name:...
View ArticleCommented Issue: First time running error [23879]
I'm attempting to run NodeXL for the first time and get the following error:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------```Name:...
View ArticleNew Post: In-degree calculation
Hi! I'm analyzing scientists citation network. I will use in-degree metric to optimize graph. But it seems, that in-degree isn't calculated right. I.e. one person recieved 106 citations, but in column...
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