New Post: Import JSON data from Twitter Streaming API to build a network from
Curtis: First, in reply to your original question about importing raw Twitter JSON, we don't have anything that does that right now. We've talked about adding such a feature to NodeXL's Import menu,...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Twitter importer still not working [25189]
I have the latest version of NodeXL (downloaded today, 4/14). The Twitter spigot is not working. On one computer, it simply stops importing after a while and leaves the spreadsheet empty. On another,...
View ArticleNew Post: Import JSON data from Twitter Streaming API to build a network from
Thanks for the response Tony. Like I said, although I'm not a programmer, this would be something I would like to try to make work. Please do provide me with the columns needed to replicate the Twitter...
View ArticleNew Post: Import JSON data from Twitter Streaming API to build a network from
Okay. I recommend doing this in two stages. Get the first stage to work, then I'll tell you about the second stage. (The second stage just adds more columns to the first stage.) In the first stage,...
View ArticleNew Post: Import JSON data from Twitter Streaming API to build a network from
I forgot to mention that you should begin your text file with a header row that looks like "Vertex 1[tab]Vertex 2[tab]Relationship". -- Tony
View ArticleNew Post: Import JSON data from Twitter Streaming API to build a network from
Awesome, thanks for the detailed response Tony! Doesn't sound terribly difficult, so we'll see how it goes!
View ArticleNew Post: How to import an excel in NodeXL
I can't import an excel in NodeXL,when I click the From Open WorkBook button, it often shows There are no other open workbook, I don't know what to do next
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Twitter importer still not working [25189]
I have the latest version of NodeXL (downloaded today, 4/14). The Twitter spigot is not working. On one computer, it simply stops importing after a while and leaves the spreadsheet empty. On another,...
View ArticleNew Post: How to import an excel in NodeXL
When you use the Import from Open Workbook feature, NodeXL looks for other workbooks that you have already opened in Excel. It won't open other workbooks for you; you have to open them yourself before...
View ArticleNew Post: vertex label font size
Is this still true? I would like to set label sizes to match vertex sizes (in other words, smaller vertices, smaller labels) or be based on some other value that I can autofill. thanks, /patti
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Runtime error [25349]
Hi, Need your advice.While importing the data from Excel to NodeXl, I am getting the attached error.I have a correlation matrix of 1302*1302 in spreadsheet.Is it not able to handle that big data?Please...
View ArticleNew Post: How to import an excel in NodeXL
I had the same problem as ansonkangwei. I had an excel workbook containing my data open. I went to NodeXL --> Data -->Import -->From Open Workbook. I still got the message "there are no other...
View ArticleNew Post: Nodexl and geographic mapping
Is there a way to map nodelxl graphs onto a map - say US map. Thanks.
View ArticleNew Post: How to import an excel in NodeXL
PMcLeod: It wasn't clear to me if ansonkangwei was opening a workbook before using the Import from Open Workbook feature, but in your case there is no question about that. One thing that can cause...
View ArticleNew Post: How to import an excel in NodeXL
Thanks Tony, I got back to the situation where I have NodeXL and the excel workbook with my data both open. Just to be sure I tried importing again, and got the same error message. Then, going through...
View ArticleNew Post: How to import an excel in NodeXL
Well, there goes my theory of probable cause. I'm going to have to think about this further. For the record, this feature works properly on every computer I've tried it on. I have to figure out what...
View ArticleNew Post: How to import an excel in NodeXL
sigh leave it to me to have it not work. any possibilty that it could be related to something in the way I downloaded it? I followed the onscreen instructions. I did not, howeve, register my copy....
View ArticleNew Post: How to import an excel in NodeXL
PMcLeod: What version of Excel are you using--2007, 2010 or 2013? Thanks,Tony
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