Source code checked in, #74335
Bug fix: If you showed images in your graph, and there were thousands of them, and you set their size to anything other than their actual size, then NodeXL would behave badly when you attempted to show...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL installation fails, but works fine.
Jessica: I had that happen to me once. In my case, the sequence was this: 1) I started the NodeXL setup program, and it seemed to be taking too long. 2) Not wanting to sit around until August, I hit...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL installation fails, but works fine.
I omitted an important point: The browser cache you have to clear is the one in Internet Explorer. That's true even if Internet Explorer isn't your normal browser. -- Tony
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL installation fails, but works fine.
Tony, thanks for your reply! I cleared my IE cache, and started NodeXL setup program, again, I got that message... The size of the setup .exe file I downloaded (from Chrome) is 798KB. Is it...
View ArticleNew Post: How i make graph in WPF Application
Hello Tony, Sorry for beginner's question. I installed template and I can use it. Good news. Should I download another installation in order to use nodexl in WPF? Actually, I didn't file these files on...
View ArticleNew Post: No NodeXL tab with 64-bit Excel
Hi Tony I got NodeXL running with 64bit Excel but only the 1.01.251 version , couldn't get the tab to appear with the later versions. It ran for about 2 weeks gathering the network , appeared to be OK,...
View ArticleNew Post: How i make graph in WPF Application
rimmar: You need to download what's called the "NodeXL Class Libraries." This download contains a set of .NET assemblies that will let you add a NodeXL graph to your own WPF application. Go to the...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL installation fails, but works fine.
Jessica: Please try this: In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\VSTO\10.0. In that folder, you should find a file named VSTOInstaller.exe.config. Rename it to...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL installation fails, but works fine.
Jessica: The old NodeXL files were 10 MB because they were a complete, self-contained package. The new NodeXLExcelTemplate2014Setup.exe file is much smaller because it's just a "starter"...
View ArticleNew Post: No NodeXL tab with 64-bit Excel
Oh, no... If the program was running for two weeks, it must have collected a huge network, and NodeXL often deals poorly with huge networks. Sometimes it runs out of memory, and sometimes it ends up...
View ArticleNew Post: HELP - I lost the information from the vertices -
Help! Somehow the vertices disappeared from the graph- the lables, the photos-- all I see are black dots and the edges. I must've moved something and don't know how to fix it. My graph is done and I...
View ArticleNew Post: HELP - I lost the information from the vertices -
Perhaps you can post the data set to NodeXL Graph Gallery and then post a pointer here. That way we could download and review the data and upload a corrected version.Marc Sent from my iPhone
View ArticleNew Post: HELP - I lost the information from the vertices -
Thank you! That is such a kind offer; unfortunately I have names, photographs and other type info that i could not post publicly.It almost seem like the vertices became disconnected from the graph b/c...
View ArticleNew Post: HELP - I lost the information from the vertices -
Not sure what state your network is in, but you may be able to resolve the issue by exporting the data and importing it back into a blank NodeXL workbook. -Marc
View ArticleNew Post: HELP - I lost the information from the vertices -
Yes, thank you! I will definitely try that. That's on the ribbon, right? I've never done that on NodeXL--that would be great if it works since i cannot copy and paste on some of the columns.My network...
View ArticleNew Post: HELP - I lost the information from the vertices -
See: NodeXL>Data>Export and NodeXL>Data>Import in the ribbon.
View ArticleNew Post: HELP - I lost the information from the vertices -
Will do! Thanks! I'll let you know if it works! I'm still looking forward to impressing everyone with my link analysis graph in today's meeting! Wish me luck! Sent from my iPad
View ArticleNew Post: HELP - I lost the information from the vertices -
Might you have moved the "Scale" slider at the top of the graph pane? Moving that to the left will cause everything to shrink. (The Scale slider might be hidden behind double-right-arrows if the graph...
View ArticleNew Post: HELP - I lost the information from the vertices -
Thank you! I did check on that and it doesnt seem to be it. MarcSmith suggesred i export the info onto another NXL page--see if i works!Thanks for responding to my cry for help! Sent from my iPad
View ArticleNew Post: No NodeXL tab with 64-bit Excel
HI Tony Here's what I'm trying to do, be interested in your thoughts on any other options. Business clients want to understand if their Twitter network is aligned against their digital marketing goals...
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