Created Unassigned: Install problem [24610]
Commented Unassigned: Install problem [24610]
Comments: ** Comment from web user: Alfie01 **
see above
New Post: Clique Size
First, NodeXL can group the graph's vertices into cliques that have at least 4 member vertices. You would do that with NodeXL, Analysis, Groups, Group by Motif.
Second, you can calculate some metrics for each of the resulting groups. If you go to NodeXL, Analysis, Graph Metrics and check "Group metrics" in the Graph Metrics dialog box, then NodeXL will calculate the following metrics for each group and insert them into the Groups worksheet:
- Vertices
- Unique Edges
- Edges With Duplicates
- Total Edges
- Self-Loops
- Reciprocated Vertex Pair Ratio
- Reciprocated Edge Ratio
- Connected Components
- Single-Vertex Connected Components
- Maximum Vertices in a Connected Component
- Maximum Edges in a Connected Component
- Maximum Geodesic Distance (Diameter)
- Average Geodesic Distance
Graph Density
New Post: Collecting Twitter search results - how far back?
New Post: Collecting Twitter search results - how far back?
But even if you enter a large "limit to" number, Twitter will filter and truncate the list it provides. Here is what Twitter says about that (from
"The Search API is not complete index of all Tweets, but instead an index of recent Tweets. At the moment that index includes between 6-9 days of Tweets."
[The "Search API" is what NodeXL uses to get the tweets from Twitter.] If the search term is very popular, you might not get even 6 days.
One thing you can try is the "until" operator, which you can learn about by clicking the "Advanced search help" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box. Here is an example:
NodeXL until:2013-01-01
That might give you an empty graph, though, for the reason I just mentioned.
-- Tony
New Post: Collecting Twitter search results - how far back?
I will try the search operator, of course (and it looks like "since" will be more useful to me than "until". Although I wonder if this means the Twitter web search uses a different mechanism than the Search API – since tweets do show up if I search through the web interface.
If I do have the tweets archived in Storify, I guess the only way would be to manually enter them into the vertex table, correct?
New Post: Partial network problem in Twitter
New Post: Problem connecting Twitter account through proxy server
Is there anything to do with my proxy server?
New Post: Collecting Twitter search results - how far back?
I don't know how you would go about merging tweets obtained from Storify with those obtained through NodeXL. NodeXL does some text processing on the tweets it gets from Twitter. It scans the tweets for mentioned and replied-to user names and adds rows to the Edges worksheet based on what it finds, so it wouldn't be a matter of just copying additional tweets into the NodeXL workbook.
-- Tony
New Post: Collecting Twitter search results - how far back?
That is what I was concerned with – Storify saves the tweets and links to them, but they're probably not in a format NodeXL would read.
The Twitter hashtag search I'm doing is (the hashtag is #dsst2013)
-- Tanya
New Post: Problem connecting Twitter account through proxy server
Configure Internet Explorer to use your GoAgent proxy. See
Verify that your new proxy configuration works by navigating to Twitter in Internet Explorer.
Try NodeXL again.
-- Tony
New Post: Collecting Twitter search results - how far back?
Yes, Twitter is drawing from a larger set of tweets for its own search page than it exposes via its Search API. Unfortunately, there is no way for NodeXL to get to that larger set.
-- Tony
Commented Unassigned: Install problem [24610]
Comments: ** Comment from web user: tcap479 **
Sorry that you've run into problems. NodeXL usually installs properly the first time, but when something goes wrong, it can be very frustrating.
I don't know exactly what you've tried or which errors you got when, so it's better for us to start from scratch. Please do the following:
1. Close all Excel windows.
2. In Windows 7 or Vista, go to Control Panel, Programs and Features.
3. In the search box at the upper-right corner of the Programs and Features window, search for the word "NodeXL."
4. If any items show up in the search results, right-click each one and select "Uninstall" from the right-click menu.
5. Run NodeXL's Setup program again.
If you get an error message in step 5, please tell me what the error message says, including any details that might be available via a "Details" button. If you want to take a screenshot of the error message, you can attach the screenshot image file on the CodePlex Issue page you created.
-- Tony
New Post: Collecting Twitter search results - how far back?
New Post: Collecting Twitter search results - how far back?
Thanks, I've already downloaded these datasets (workbooks) - they provide some of the data, but not the complete set (no data beyond July 31 and before July 25). I guess for the purposes of the exercise I'm doing, this is the best option I have.
-- Tanya
New Post: Partial network problem in Twitter
Now who's going to point me to the signup page for the Graph Server? :-)
New Post: Partial network problem in Twitter
I'm not 100% convinced it's a fix, because that would imply that there is a fundamental design flaw in Twitter's rate limiting scheme. The flaw would be that Twitter tells NodeXL (and other such programs) to wait until a specified time without considering that the client computer's clock might be out of sync with Twitter's clock. Did they really implement such a fragile system, or am I missing something? (I asked about this at but didn't receive an answer.)
Anyway, I'll be pleased if this really is a fix and your positive results are more than just random. If the problem returns, please let me know.
New Post: Partial network problem in Twitter
Created Unassigned: Version 248 crashes when ordering vertices [24618]
Excel crashes every time I try to order the vertices by betweeness centrality or any other measure (say, from largest to smallest). I am using version .248. Anyone else having this problem?
The workbook I was using was rather large, but the older version of NodeXL was still able to handle it with ease, if albeit a bit slowly. So I don't know what is up here.
I should also note that I am using one of the recipes from the gallery.