Channel: NodeXL: Network Overview, Discovery and Exploration for Excel
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New Post: Making a graph look neater overall

I have tried playing around with that now and haven't seen much better results unfortunately. I have exported my best looking attempt to the gallery and labeled it Resource Management Linkage.

New Post: Making a graph look neater overall

New Post: Making a graph look neater overall

With more data about the entities and their connections, the graph can be made to reveal more about the structure of the network.

Do you have weights for the strength of the connection - the amount of something they exchange?

Do you have attributes that would group these entities - which divisions are these entities in together?

New Post: mouse action: right click; manual layout

The context menu problem is a known bug. It occurs only on some computers, and I haven't yet found the cause. (It doesn't occur on any of my own computers, which makes it hard to track down.) What language do you use on your computer? I'm wondering if it occurs only on non-English machines.

I haven't heard of any left-click problems in the graph pane, and I don't know why reinstalling the program would have fixed it. If it happens again, please let me know.

-- Tony

New Post: mouse action: right click; manual layout

The language is English US, and the computer is Samsung Series 9. Thank you for your help.

New Post: mouse action: right click; manual layout

One more question, please. When you right click a NodeXL workbook cell (cell A3 on the Edges worksheet, for example), what is the first group of items that appears in the context menu? Does the first group look exactly like the following?

Paste Special...


New Post: Making a graph look neater overall

First off the grpah is looking much better already thank you for doing that.

For the strength of connection the data is pretty generic its either strongly connected, weakly connected, or not connected at all. I tried to represent this by having strong connections as solid lines and weak connections as dashed lines. Other that that there is no real inormation about how they connect.

As for grouping the verteicies follow this outline. (group # name: verticies in group)

Group 1 Reduce Water Demand: Agricultural water use efficiency, Urban water use efficiency

Group 2 Improve Flood Management: Flood management

Group 3 Improve Operational Efficieny and Transfers: Conveyance-Delta, Conveyance-Regional/Local, System Reoperation, Water Tansfers

Group 4 Increase Water Supply: Conjunctive Management & Groundwater, Desalination-Brackish & Seawater, Precipitation Enhancement, Recycled Municipal Water, Surface Storage-CALFED, Surface Storage-Regional/Local

Group 5 Improve Water Quality: Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution, Grounwater/Aquifer Remediation, Matching Quality to Use, Pollution Prevention, Salt & Salinty Management, Urban Stormwater Runoff Management

Group 6 Practice Resource Stewardship: Agricultural Land Stewardship, Ecosystem Restoration, Forest Management, Land Use Planning & Management, Recharge Areas Protection, Sediment Management, Watershed Management

Group 7 People and Water: Economic Incentives, Outreach and Education, Water-Dependent Cultural Resources, Water-Dependent Recreation

New Post: mouse action: right click; manual layout


Paste Options (with two options: keep source or destination formatting)
Paste Special

New Post: How to associate many archives imported from twitter (relationship users) and make a only graph ?

If you mean that you've created multiple workbooks using NodeXL, Data, Import, From Twitter User's Network and you want to combine them into one workbook, then we don't have an easy way to do that. One problem is that you can end up with duplicate rows in both the Edges and Vertices worksheets, with unpredictable results.

Some people have gone ahead anyway and tried to merge workbooks using manual copy/paste operations, but be aware that that can cause problems too, including triggering a serious bug in some older versions of Excel that cause the workbook to become corrupted. You might want to take a look at "how to merge several Nodexl files together" at http://nodexl.codeplex.com/discussions/242896.

-- Tony

New Post: Making a graph look neater overall

You can group nodes (we call them "vertices") together in a number of ways.

Directly from the graph pane you can drag vertices that should be in the same group together. The selection tool (or Control-Click) allows you to select more than one vertex at a time.


Then right-click the graph pane (any white space will do). Select the "Groups..." menu option:


Select the option, in Groups, for Add Selected Vertices to Group:


Provide a name for the Group:


Repeat this process for each group you would like to create.

An alternative method involves adding this group membership attribute to the Vertices Worksheet as a new column (see the column "Add Your Own Columns Here"). Then, it is a simple matter to use the NodeXL >Analysis>Groups feature to assign each vertex to the proper group.

If you do get your graph grouped, you can then apply the "Group-in-a-box" feature from the Layout Options menu in the Graph Pane layout menu. This feature will locate each set of vertices that share a group in a separate box (like a "Bento box" for networks).

-- Marc

New Post: Making a graph look neater overall

I posted the results of what you suggested (Resource Managment Grouped), but I cannot figure out how to keep the labels big while reducing the sizes of the edges as you did previously. But even with that it looks like there is still a lot of a cross traffic between the verticies. I thought about combining those edges in the layout options, menu, but when I tried it I noticed that I will lose some information about how the verticies are connected to other vertices. I realize at a certain point there may be nothing that can be done about the cross traffic but its already looking much neater than before.

New Post: Making a graph look neater overall

You can adjust the scale slider to change the vertex size.
You can also select Graph Options from the graph pane and select Other and Font to set the label sizes.
You can also turn off the edges that are not the strongest edges.
In the end, however, a nearly completely connected graph is a nearly completely connected graph!

-- Marc

New Post: Making a graph look neater overall

Thanks so much those really helped clear it up. Do you have any further suggesstions that I could try. I think as it is it looks pretty good but I am just wondering what I can do to make it look better.

Created Unassigned: Out of memory exception [24629]

Hi, this is my first attempt using NodeXL. While importing the UCINET network file, which consists of 4138 vertices, I encountered a message indicating some exception, as in the image below. Can you tell me what happens? Is it that my computer is too weak to run this?

Commented Unassigned: Out of memory exception [24629]

Hi, this is my first attempt using NodeXL. While importing the UCINET network file, which consists of 4138 vertices, I encountered a message indicating some exception, as in the image below. Can you tell me what happens? Is it that my computer is too weak to run this?
Comments: ** Comment from web user: NonSleeper **

Not sure why it doesn't show the image. Here I attach it directly.

Created Unassigned: Issues Installing NodeXL [24630]

This is my first time installing NodeXL on my computer. I followed the installation instructions and received the following errors (screenshots attached): "VSTOInstaller has stopped working", followed by "Error 1001: The installation of ClickOnce solution failed with exit code 532459699. I did some searches for the error but couldn't find anything helpful. My software is up to date and I have the Microsoft prerequisites. Any suggestions?


New Post: Partial network problem in Twitter

Hello Tony,

It appears that I'm facing the same problem and I can't seem to find a pattern.

When the account is especially big, the process quits when NodeXL wakes up. Other times, it will keep going for a bit after waking up, then come back with the partial network error. I'm using NodeXL on Office 2013 if that's any help.

Thank you,

Updated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory


Complete NodeXL Release History (2013-08-19)
  • Bug fix: When it looked for user names in tweets, NodeXL was treating underscores as discardable punctuation. This resulted in @john_jones being interpreted as @john. (2013-08-14)
  • Bug fix: If your workbook had a file name that contained certain non-English characters (Korean characters, for example) and you attempted to export the workbook via NodeXL, Data, Export, To Email, you would get a message saying "A problem occurred while sending the email." (2013-08-09)
  • If you import a network from the NodeXL Graph Server, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) now includes more information, including the date range of the tweets in the network.
  • The Data Import section of the Graph Summary for all Twitter, YouTube and Flickr network is now broken into paragraphs for clarity.
  • When it looks for user names in tweets, NodeXL now ignores most punctuation. For example, the user name "john" in the tweet "Hello,@john" wasn't being detected, because it was preceded by a comma instead of a space.
  • NodeXL will now pause for an extra 15 seconds when Twitter rate limits are reached. This is an attempt to work around a problem where Twitter occasionally refuses to provide more information even after NodeXL pauses for the time specified by Twitter. The symptom of that problem is a message that includes the text "A likely cause is that you have made too many Twitter requests in the last 15 minutes." (This might not fix the problem, the cause of which is unknown.) (2013-08-02)
  • If you import a Twitter search network and tell NodeXL to calculate Twitter search network top items (NodeXL, Analysis, Graph Metrics), then the following columns now get added to the Vertices worksheet: Top URLs in Tweet by Count, Top URLs in Tweet by Salience, Top Domains in Tweet by Count, Top Domains in Tweet by Salience, Top Hashtags in Tweet by Count, Top Hashtags in Tweet by Salience, Top Words in Tweet by Count, Top Words in Tweet by Salience, Top Word Pairs in Tweet by Count, Top Word Pairs in Tweet by Salience.
  • When importing a Twitter network, if Twitter unexpectedly closes the network connection, then NodeXL will now try to reestablish the connection. (The symptom of this problem is a message that includes the text "[IOException]: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed.") (2013-07-19)
  • An importer for a new Graph Server has been added. The Graph Server is currently private.
  • Bug fix: If you used NodeXL, Analysis, Subgraph Images and one of your vertices had a name that was "reserved" by Windows (con, lpt, nul, and several others), you would get an error message that included the text "[ExternalException]: A generic error occurred in GDI+". Note that subgraph image file names now always start with "Img-", as in "Img-con.png". (2013-06-19)
  • This release wraps up a set of enhancements and bug fixes that were previously included in a series of experimental private releases. All changes since the last public release ( have to do with importing Twitter networks.
  • An experiment involving "shared term" edges in the Twitter search network is still in progress, and those edges are not included in this release. (They were not included in version, either.)
  • This release is functionally identical to version (2013-06-17, private release)
  • In the Twitter search network, vertices are now added to the graph for people who were replied to or mentioned by the people who actually tweeted the specified term.
  • Bug fix: In the Twitter networks, if you checked "Expand URLs in tweets" and a malformed URL was provided by Twitter, you would get a "Partial Network" message and then the graph would have no edges. The Partial Network details included the text "[UriFormatException]: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined". Now, NodeXL doesn't attempt to expand the bad URL.
  • Bug fix: When getting a Twitter search network, you would sometimes get a "Partial Network" message with details that included the text "[KeyNotFoundException]: The given key was not present in the dictionary." (This was caused by Twitter giving NodeXL a tweet that included no information about the tweeter. NodeXL now ignores such tweets.) (2013-05-19, private release)
  • The Twitter Search Network now uses experimental shared term thresholds. This is part of an effort to obtain meaningful edges without running into Twitter's new rate limits. (2013-05-01, private release)
  • The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For advanced users of private releases only.)
  • Bug fix: If you specified shared hashtag, URL, word, or word pair edge relationships in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) did not mention the fact that the graph included those edges. (Private releases only.) (2013-04-25, private release)
  • Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel would refuse to save the workbook. The error message started with "Errors were detected while saving..." This is an Excel bug that will also arise if you type "http://" directly into a cell. This change does not fix the latter problem. (2013-04-24, private release)
  • If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no additional time will be required to get the network. This used to require additional Twitter requests, and it was marked as "slower" in the dialog box. (2013-04-08, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-04-08)
  • Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered a space (or a colon, or a few other special characters) into the "Add a vertex for each..." textbox on the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, you would get a message that included the text, "The Twitter Web service refused to provide the requested information." (2013-03-25, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-03-25)
  • There are some major changes in NodeXL's Twitter importers. See Changes in NodeXL's Twitter Importers for more information.
  • When you use dynamic filters (NodeXL, Analysis, Dynamic Filters), filtering an edge will automatically filter its adjacent vertices if the filtering causes those vertices to become isolates.
  • If you set the Visibility of vertex X to "Skip" and vertex X has adjacent vertices that are connected only to vertex X, then those adjacent vertices are now skipped as well. Previously, the adjacent vertices would remain in the graph as isolates.
  • For programmers: The NodeXL source code is now available on the CodePlex "Source Code" tab. The source code will no longer be provided as separate releases on the Downloads tab.
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Updated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory


Complete NodeXL Release History (2013-08-19)
  • Checking "Expand URLs in tweets" in the Import from NodeXL Graph Server dialog box no longer slows the import to a crawl. It can still take a long time to get the network if it has thousands of edges and vertices, but expanding URLs is now much faster. (This is a server-side change, so you don't actually need version to notice the difference.)
  • Bug fix: When it looked for user names in tweets, NodeXL was treating underscores as discardable punctuation. This resulted in @john_jones being interpreted as @john. (2013-08-14)
  • Bug fix: If your workbook had a file name that contained certain non-English characters (Korean characters, for example) and you attempted to export the workbook via NodeXL, Data, Export, To Email, you would get a message saying "A problem occurred while sending the email." (2013-08-09)
  • If you import a network from the NodeXL Graph Server, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) now includes more information, including the date range of the tweets in the network.
  • The Data Import section of the Graph Summary for all Twitter, YouTube and Flickr network is now broken into paragraphs for clarity.
  • When it looks for user names in tweets, NodeXL now ignores most punctuation. For example, the user name "john" in the tweet "Hello,@john" wasn't being detected, because it was preceded by a comma instead of a space.
  • NodeXL will now pause for an extra 15 seconds when Twitter rate limits are reached. This is an attempt to work around a problem where Twitter occasionally refuses to provide more information even after NodeXL pauses for the time specified by Twitter. The symptom of that problem is a message that includes the text "A likely cause is that you have made too many Twitter requests in the last 15 minutes." (This might not fix the problem, the cause of which is unknown.) (2013-08-02)
  • If you import a Twitter search network and tell NodeXL to calculate Twitter search network top items (NodeXL, Analysis, Graph Metrics), then the following columns now get added to the Vertices worksheet: Top URLs in Tweet by Count, Top URLs in Tweet by Salience, Top Domains in Tweet by Count, Top Domains in Tweet by Salience, Top Hashtags in Tweet by Count, Top Hashtags in Tweet by Salience, Top Words in Tweet by Count, Top Words in Tweet by Salience, Top Word Pairs in Tweet by Count, Top Word Pairs in Tweet by Salience.
  • When importing a Twitter network, if Twitter unexpectedly closes the network connection, then NodeXL will now try to reestablish the connection. (The symptom of this problem is a message that includes the text "[IOException]: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed.") (2013-07-19)
  • An importer for a new Graph Server has been added. The Graph Server is currently private.
  • Bug fix: If you used NodeXL, Analysis, Subgraph Images and one of your vertices had a name that was "reserved" by Windows (con, lpt, nul, and several others), you would get an error message that included the text "[ExternalException]: A generic error occurred in GDI+". Note that subgraph image file names now always start with "Img-", as in "Img-con.png". (2013-06-19)
  • This release wraps up a set of enhancements and bug fixes that were previously included in a series of experimental private releases. All changes since the last public release ( have to do with importing Twitter networks.
  • An experiment involving "shared term" edges in the Twitter search network is still in progress, and those edges are not included in this release. (They were not included in version, either.)
  • This release is functionally identical to version (2013-06-17, private release)
  • In the Twitter search network, vertices are now added to the graph for people who were replied to or mentioned by the people who actually tweeted the specified term.
  • Bug fix: In the Twitter networks, if you checked "Expand URLs in tweets" and a malformed URL was provided by Twitter, you would get a "Partial Network" message and then the graph would have no edges. The Partial Network details included the text "[UriFormatException]: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined". Now, NodeXL doesn't attempt to expand the bad URL.
  • Bug fix: When getting a Twitter search network, you would sometimes get a "Partial Network" message with details that included the text "[KeyNotFoundException]: The given key was not present in the dictionary." (This was caused by Twitter giving NodeXL a tweet that included no information about the tweeter. NodeXL now ignores such tweets.) (2013-05-19, private release)
  • The Twitter Search Network now uses experimental shared term thresholds. This is part of an effort to obtain meaningful edges without running into Twitter's new rate limits. (2013-05-01, private release)
  • The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For advanced users of private releases only.)
  • Bug fix: If you specified shared hashtag, URL, word, or word pair edge relationships in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) did not mention the fact that the graph included those edges. (Private releases only.) (2013-04-25, private release)
  • Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel would refuse to save the workbook. The error message started with "Errors were detected while saving..." This is an Excel bug that will also arise if you type "http://" directly into a cell. This change does not fix the latter problem. (2013-04-24, private release)
  • If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no additional time will be required to get the network. This used to require additional Twitter requests, and it was marked as "slower" in the dialog box. (2013-04-08, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-04-08)
  • Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered a space (or a colon, or a few other special characters) into the "Add a vertex for each..." textbox on the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, you would get a message that included the text, "The Twitter Web service refused to provide the requested information." (2013-03-25, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-03-25)
  • There are some major changes in NodeXL's Twitter importers. See Changes in NodeXL's Twitter Importers for more information.
  • When you use dynamic filters (NodeXL, Analysis, Dynamic Filters), filtering an edge will automatically filter its adjacent vertices if the filtering causes those vertices to become isolates.
  • If you set the Visibility of vertex X to "Skip" and vertex X has adjacent vertices that are connected only to vertex X, then those adjacent vertices are now skipped as well. Previously, the adjacent vertices would remain in the graph as isolates.
  • For programmers: The NodeXL source code is now available on the CodePlex "Source Code" tab. The source code will no longer be provided as separate releases on the Downloads tab.
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Updated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory


Complete NodeXL Release History (2013-08-19)
  • Checking "Expand URLs in tweets" in the Import from NodeXL Graph Server dialog box no longer slows the import to a crawl. It can still take a long time to get the network if it has thousands of edges and vertices, but expanding URLs is now much faster. (This is a server-side change, so you don't actually need version to notice the difference.)
  • Bug fix: When it looked for user names in tweets, NodeXL was treating underscores as discardable punctuation. This resulted in @john_doe being interpreted as @john. (2013-08-14)
  • Bug fix: If your workbook had a file name that contained certain non-English characters (Korean characters, for example) and you attempted to export the workbook via NodeXL, Data, Export, To Email, you would get a message saying "A problem occurred while sending the email." (2013-08-09)
  • If you import a network from the NodeXL Graph Server, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) now includes more information, including the date range of the tweets in the network.
  • The Data Import section of the Graph Summary for all Twitter, YouTube and Flickr network is now broken into paragraphs for clarity.
  • When it looks for user names in tweets, NodeXL now ignores most punctuation. For example, the user name "john" in the tweet "Hello,@john" wasn't being detected, because it was preceded by a comma instead of a space.
  • NodeXL will now pause for an extra 15 seconds when Twitter rate limits are reached. This is an attempt to work around a problem where Twitter occasionally refuses to provide more information even after NodeXL pauses for the time specified by Twitter. The symptom of that problem is a message that includes the text "A likely cause is that you have made too many Twitter requests in the last 15 minutes." (This might not fix the problem, the cause of which is unknown.) (2013-08-02)
  • If you import a Twitter search network and tell NodeXL to calculate Twitter search network top items (NodeXL, Analysis, Graph Metrics), then the following columns now get added to the Vertices worksheet: Top URLs in Tweet by Count, Top URLs in Tweet by Salience, Top Domains in Tweet by Count, Top Domains in Tweet by Salience, Top Hashtags in Tweet by Count, Top Hashtags in Tweet by Salience, Top Words in Tweet by Count, Top Words in Tweet by Salience, Top Word Pairs in Tweet by Count, Top Word Pairs in Tweet by Salience.
  • When importing a Twitter network, if Twitter unexpectedly closes the network connection, then NodeXL will now try to reestablish the connection. (The symptom of this problem is a message that includes the text "[IOException]: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed.") (2013-07-19)
  • An importer for a new Graph Server has been added. The Graph Server is currently private.
  • Bug fix: If you used NodeXL, Analysis, Subgraph Images and one of your vertices had a name that was "reserved" by Windows (con, lpt, nul, and several others), you would get an error message that included the text "[ExternalException]: A generic error occurred in GDI+". Note that subgraph image file names now always start with "Img-", as in "Img-con.png". (2013-06-19)
  • This release wraps up a set of enhancements and bug fixes that were previously included in a series of experimental private releases. All changes since the last public release ( have to do with importing Twitter networks.
  • An experiment involving "shared term" edges in the Twitter search network is still in progress, and those edges are not included in this release. (They were not included in version, either.)
  • This release is functionally identical to version (2013-06-17, private release)
  • In the Twitter search network, vertices are now added to the graph for people who were replied to or mentioned by the people who actually tweeted the specified term.
  • Bug fix: In the Twitter networks, if you checked "Expand URLs in tweets" and a malformed URL was provided by Twitter, you would get a "Partial Network" message and then the graph would have no edges. The Partial Network details included the text "[UriFormatException]: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined". Now, NodeXL doesn't attempt to expand the bad URL.
  • Bug fix: When getting a Twitter search network, you would sometimes get a "Partial Network" message with details that included the text "[KeyNotFoundException]: The given key was not present in the dictionary." (This was caused by Twitter giving NodeXL a tweet that included no information about the tweeter. NodeXL now ignores such tweets.) (2013-05-19, private release)
  • The Twitter Search Network now uses experimental shared term thresholds. This is part of an effort to obtain meaningful edges without running into Twitter's new rate limits. (2013-05-01, private release)
  • The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For advanced users of private releases only.)
  • Bug fix: If you specified shared hashtag, URL, word, or word pair edge relationships in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) did not mention the fact that the graph included those edges. (Private releases only.) (2013-04-25, private release)
  • Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel would refuse to save the workbook. The error message started with "Errors were detected while saving..." This is an Excel bug that will also arise if you type "http://" directly into a cell. This change does not fix the latter problem. (2013-04-24, private release)
  • If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no additional time will be required to get the network. This used to require additional Twitter requests, and it was marked as "slower" in the dialog box. (2013-04-08, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-04-08)
  • Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered a space (or a colon, or a few other special characters) into the "Add a vertex for each..." textbox on the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, you would get a message that included the text, "The Twitter Web service refused to provide the requested information." (2013-03-25, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-03-25)
  • There are some major changes in NodeXL's Twitter importers. See Changes in NodeXL's Twitter Importers for more information.
  • When you use dynamic filters (NodeXL, Analysis, Dynamic Filters), filtering an edge will automatically filter its adjacent vertices if the filtering causes those vertices to become isolates.
  • If you set the Visibility of vertex X to "Skip" and vertex X has adjacent vertices that are connected only to vertex X, then those adjacent vertices are now skipped as well. Previously, the adjacent vertices would remain in the graph as isolates.
  • For programmers: The NodeXL source code is now available on the CodePlex "Source Code" tab. The source code will no longer be provided as separate releases on the Downloads tab.
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