Are there command line parameters I can use to perform a silent or unattended installation of NodeXL? I need to create this within SCCM for distribution, but can't find any help on doing this. running setup with a /? provides some info, but says all other commands will be passed to the installer. I have tried /S, /s, /qn- among others, but I am still getting prompted to do things during the install. I will set this up to install VSTOR seperately so I have greater control of the install process.
Any help would be great.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: tcap479 **
Any help would be great.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: tcap479 **
There are two versions of NodeXL, and they use very different setup programs. Are you trying to perform a silent install of the latest version, which is called "NodeXL Excel Template 2014" and is available at
-- Tony