Please tell me how to refresh the Vertices spreadsheet to reflect any changes in the Edges spreadsheet.
I had a few spelling errors in my Edges spreadsheet (e.g. John Johnston instead of John Johnson). I corrected all the spelling errors in the Edges spreadsheet, but the Vertices spreadsheet still has a vertex for each of my previous mispellings (i.e. there is still a John Johnston vertex).
Unfortunately, correcting the spelling in the Vertices spreadsheet still resulted in that previous mispelled vertex (e.g. John Johnston) being isolated from the connections with the correctly spelled vertex (e.g. John Johnson).
Please tell me how to refresh the Vertices spreadsheet to reflect any changes in the Edges spreadsheet.
I had a few spelling errors in my Edges spreadsheet (e.g. John Johnston instead of John Johnson). I corrected all the spelling errors in the Edges spreadsheet, but the Vertices spreadsheet still has a vertex for each of my previous mispellings (i.e. there is still a John Johnston vertex).
Unfortunately, correcting the spelling in the Vertices spreadsheet still resulted in that previous mispelled vertex (e.g. John Johnston) being isolated from the connections with the correctly spelled vertex (e.g. John Johnson).