New Post: Where is "Levels to include" option in Excel 2013?
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL. The book Analyzing social media networks with NodeXL: Insights from a connected world is not up to date with the most recent versions of NodeXL (the book...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Excel doesn't show NodeXL [25669]
I've installed it and run Office 2013 (64bit). I am not seeing the tab that should be there. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times - but, I do not see how to start nodexl.I downloaded the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Excel doesn't show NodeXL [25669]
I've installed it and run Office 2013 (64bit). I am not seeing the tab that should be there. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times - but, I do not see how to start nodexl.I downloaded the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Excel doesn't show NodeXL [25669]
I've installed it and run Office 2013 (64bit). I am not seeing the tab that should be there. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times - but, I do not see how to start nodexl.I downloaded the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Excel doesn't show NodeXL [25669]
I've installed it and run Office 2013 (64bit). I am not seeing the tab that should be there. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times - but, I do not see how to start nodexl.I downloaded the...
View ArticleNew Post: Many thanks and farewell to Tony - changes in the NodeXL project
I would also like to leave here a personal note to Tony to thank him for his impressive work over the years, for his commitment to develop and constantly improve NodeXL to the highest standard. He had...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL - new developers join the project
It is great to know that Arber and Julian are joining the NodeXL development team! Welcome both! I look forward to seeing some new great features in the near future! Eduarda
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Can't Install, Windows 8.1 [25719]
I'm trying to install NodeXL. I'm on an Asus computer, Windows 8.1 (64). I've attached an image for the error I am getting. NodeXL downloads, but when I run it, it works for a few minute and then shows...
View ArticleNew Post: Many thanks and farewell to Tony - changes in the NodeXL project
Thank you so much for Tony's help during this year. His prompt answers to my questions really help me a lot. Thanks again and I wish him a great coming future.
View ArticleNew Post: Many thanks and farewell to Tony - changes in the NodeXL project
Tony, thank you so much for all your hard work! NodeXL is an awesome tool, and in a large way that is thanks to you! Best of luck in your new endeavors.
View ArticleNew Post: Many thanks and farewell to Tony - changes in the NodeXL project
Hey Tony! A lot of people, including me, couldn't have done it without you. My sincere thanks for your always patient help. Peter
View ArticleNew Post: Question regarding closeness centrality
Hi, I have analyzed one following network's closeness centrality, and I noticed that the nodes with very few followers, such as 1 or 2 in-degree, has very high closeness centrality. Does this indicate...
View ArticleNew Post: When I query a hashtag, am I seeing the newest tweets, or a random...
Hello, I have a question about how tweets are collected when I specify a hashtag using "import from Twitter search network" and select a limit that is clearly less than the number of tweets that exist...
View ArticleNew Post: RE: Invalid Cast Exception
My apologies for the delay. The message text I am getting reads as follows: Details: [Invalid Cast Exception]: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System._ComObject' to interface type...
View ArticleNew Post: Vertices refresh
NodeXL, Please tell me how to refresh the Vertices spreadsheet to reflect any changes in the Edges spreadsheet. I had a few spelling errors in my Edges spreadsheet (e.g. John Johnston instead of John...
View ArticleNew Post: When I query a hashtag, am I seeing the newest tweets, or a random...
Hello, Thank you for your interest in the NodeXL project! The Twitter search API delivers a subset of the most recent tweets. It will not deliver more than 18,000 tweets or any tweet older than 7 days....
View ArticleNew Post: Vertices refresh
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! NodeXL repopulates the Vertices worksheet whenever the Show Graph or Refresh Graph command is performed. Vertices are also written based on data found in...
View ArticleNew Post: Change Legend color
Hi, I am enjoying using Nodexl making my Twitter network graph, but just can not go around one obstacle, it's about the legend. Since my attributes are categorical, Autofill randomly assigned a color...
View ArticleNew Post: ArcGIS and NodeXL: Longitude/Latitude, Locations, and Time Zones
Hello, I'm working on an ArcGIS project for school , wanting to use data imported from twitter. I noted that there is a (1) Longitude and Latitude columns on the Edges worksheet; and (2) Locations and...
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