New Post: ArcGIS and NodeXL: Longitude/Latitude, Locations, and Time Zones
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! NodeXL can report data about Twitter users. Twitter provides a range of metadata elements like Latitude, longitude, "location", and Time Zone. Longitude and...
View ArticleNew Post: Cliques
I would like to know if it is possible to calculate clicks in graph in Node XL. Thanks. Paula Ribeiro
View ArticleNew Post: Cliques
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! A clique is a sub-group that has a complete set of internal connections. The discovery of cliques are not explicitly supported in NodeXL. NodeXL can group...
View ArticleNew Post: Cliques
Hello, Mark. Thanks for you quick answer. I have explored the program and there is a function called Sub-gupos. In this function it is possible to set levels of adjacency we want. Is this not a way to...
View ArticleNew Post: Cliques
Yes, NodeXL can select all the neighbors around a selected vertex (and continue to select neighbor's neighbors). However, this is not the same as a "clique" - which is a set of vertices that all have a...
View ArticleNew Post: Cliques
Hi Paula, Clique detection actually IS supported in NodeXL through the Groups menu. Go to Groups->Group by Motif, where you can select the size range of cliques you want to find. NodeXL will even...
View ArticleNew Post: Many thanks and farewell to Tony - changes in the NodeXL project
Hi Tony, It's been wonderful working with you! You were integral in helping me finish my dissertation as soon as I did! Best of luck in your new adventures. Cheers, Cody
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL - new developers join the project
Welcome Arber and Julian! I look forward to collaborating with you. Cheers, Cody
View ArticleNew Post: Any way to change text color to white in a vertex shape label?
I see how to change the font style via graph options, but it looks like the vertex label shape text color cannot be changed. I’m working with a data set in which a standardized set of colors are an...
View ArticleNew Post: Any way to change text color to white in a vertex shape label?
Oh, I figured it out. Duh. (Under Visual Properties, not Labels)
View ArticleNew Post: Many thanks and farewell to Tony - changes in the NodeXL project
Thanks Tony for your remarkable contributions to NodeXL over the past 7 years. Although we have yet to meet, I have been consistently impressed by the quality of your work, the thoughtfulness of your...
View ArticleNew Post: Many thanks and farewell to Tony - changes in the NodeXL project
Tony, thank you so much for everything you've done for NodeXL. I'm of course particularly grateful for you patient, helpful and gracious replies to my dumb tech support questions. All the best going...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Intallation Probs with MS Office 365 and Windows 8 [25738]
I have been trying to figure out how to install the software for Twitter and Social Network analysis for the past two days, and have tried every other suggestion you give without being able to resolve...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Intallation Probs with MS Office 365 and Windows 8 [25738]
I have been trying to figure out how to install the software for Twitter and Social Network analysis for the past two days, and have tried every other suggestion you give without being able to resolve...
View ArticleNew Post: How to make a visual difference between directed edge A to B with B...
For a project we need to clearly see the differences between the relationships A to B (colored, width) and the reciprocal B to A edge (other color, may be different width) in a directed graph. Steps...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: office solution installer error message... [25743]
when I run the Node Xl setupfile the attached message is displayed (saying that the file VSTOinstaller.exe cannot be found. But I can find it, it's were it supposed to be.Help?
View ArticleNew Post: Plus signs in group vertex labels
The labels of collapsed group vertices contain white or black plus signs in the centre of the label box which overlap the text on the label. As I intend to use the NodeXL graphs for a publication, I...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem with Trusted Locations and install
I'm getting the "Trusted Locations" error dialog and I've added the folder to my Excel trusted locations, to no avail. I did look at this thread but it didn't help:...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem with Trusted Locations and install
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! NodeXL is constrained by Excel's security rules. Can you test if the files will open if they are in a local folder that is added to Trusted locations? Can...
View ArticleNew Post: Plus signs in group vertex labels
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL. When a group is in a "collapsed" state we create a "metanode" that is sized equal to the number of vertices in the group. A "plus" sign is used to indicate...
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