New Post: How to make a visual difference between directed edge A to B with B...
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL. NodeXL does enable the creation of an edge that is directed (from A to B) which is different from the reciprocal edge (from B to A). However, NodeXL draws...
View ArticleNew Post: How to make a visual difference between directed edge A to B with B...
Dear Marc, Thank you for your quick answer. I hope you can quickly have time to work on the worklist. In order for you to understand what we are trying to accomplish and why we are looking forward to...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Importing clustering data in NodeXL [25750]
Hello everyone,I'd like to ask for your help regarding the issues of importing data in NodeXL.The issues is as follows:I have an outcome of the Markov clustering algorithm that I have obtained from the...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem with Trusted Locations and install
Marc, The folder I am using IS a local folder (C:\Users\dcr\SharePoint\Hilo - Documents). I manually added that folder to the trusted locations list and it still gives me the same error message. Normal...
View ArticleNew Post: User dialog input with IGraphDataProvider2
Hello all, first of all thank you all for this incredible project! I have built my very first custom graph data provider DLL but now I need user input via a dialog box before calling the...
View ArticleNew Post: User dialog input with IGraphDataProvider2
Hello, you can add dialogs just like any other windows forms application. You can show the dialog you added to the project in the TryGetGraphDataAsTemporaryFile method. After the user has finished with...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: NodeXL and TwitLonger [25753]
Greetings!I would like to know if NodeXL is going to release an update so that we can pull data directly fro TwitLonger? If so, when will the update be released?I look forward to your...
View ArticleNew Post: How does NodeXL compute betweenness
Doesn't seem to use Freeman's method. For example, in a chain, number the vertices from left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Vertex 3, in the middle of the chain is between (i.e. is an interior vertex on a...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL installation fails, but works fine.
I faced a similar error as those described above. Renaming VSTOInstaller.exe.config did not work for me. However, I solved the problem by right-clicking on NodeXLExcelTemplate2014Setup.exe and...
View ArticleNew Post: Los metadatos "DeploymentProviderUri" del almacén no son válidos
This message apperars at the end of the instalation process. Windows 7 64Bit Enterprise Spanish - Excel 2013 English Symantec End Poin Protection I tryed with IE, Chrome and Firefox, and downloading to...
View ArticleNew Post: User dialog input with IGraphDataProvider2
Hello arber, thank you somehow I thought that I couldn't use Windows form. Now everything is fine! Thanks for the speedy reply.
View ArticleNew Post: import twitter posts > a week
Hi, I want to use twitter & NodeXL for my discourse analysis research. I tried to use "Import from twitter search network" to find the tweets around the topic (education reform) in certain period...
View ArticleNew Post: import twitter posts > a week
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! Yes. Twitter will not provide any tweet older than about 7 days. Commercial data providers are available, but they are not inexpensive. See: GNIP, DataSift,...
View ArticleNew Comment on "NodeXL Teaching Resources"
I had trouble importing "the co-voting network of US Senators in 2007" despite of "Import --> From NodeXL Workbook Created On Another Computer". The error is "This did contain custom code that can...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Export legend with image [25760]
Hi. I am wondering why I cannot export the legend with the graph? Is it possible to do this and if not can it be fixed so that I can? ThanksKate
View ArticleNew Post: Installation fails: "Invalid Deployment Exception"
Hi NodeXl-Team! I have a problem installing NodeXL at my university computer (/corporate environment). I do have all the rights and installed the microsoft-parts manually, but still the installation...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL tab disappeared after Excel crashed
Hi, When I was using NodeXL and other Excel files, suddenly Excel shut down by itself. When I re-opened the NodeXL tab disappeared. After uninstalling and reinstalling many times, I could not make it...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Can't Install, Windows 8.1 [25719]
I'm trying to install NodeXL. I'm on an Asus computer, Windows 8.1 (64). I've attached an image for the error I am getting. NodeXL downloads, but when I run it, it works for a few minute and then shows...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL tab disappeared after Excel crashed
Hi, I have fixed it based on the solution provided in the following discussion thread: After the crash, when I re-opened Excel, not only NodeXL tab...
View ArticleReviewed: NodeXL Excel Template 2014 (oct 07, 2014)
Rated 1 Stars (out of 5) - By mistake I install new without unistalling previous version. What can I do to solve this? In several places mention that this will produce malfunction. OK, I´m there. How...
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