New Post: Problem Installing NodeXL
When install exe file i have this message and installation abort: Nome: NodeXL Excel Template Da: ************** Testo...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Need to Uninstall and reinstall NodeXL [25776]
My version of nodexl has stopped working--I am unable to start the template.I would like to uninstall nodexl and then reinstall it to see if this fixes the issue. However, when I try to uninstall I get...
View ArticleNew Post: Connecting an edge to another edge
I need to be able to graph a node impacting the relationship between two other nodes. Node A has a relation with Node B Node C has an edge pointing at the edge between A and B. Would NodeXL offer that...
View ArticleNew Post: Connecting an edge to another edge
Hello! Thank you for your interest in NodeXL! Sorry but what you are requesting is not possible. In graph theory edges serve to connect vertices:" A "graph" in this context is made up of "vertices" or...
View ArticleNew Post: Labels not showing properly
Hi there, Newbie to NodeXL, so I appreciate your help. I am trying to display twitter data graphically, but the labels are not displaying properly. The label appears on the band and not on the actual...
View ArticleNew Post: Save Image to File - Graph image is shifted relative to the...
Dear NodeXL users and programmers, Your assistance in the following will be much appreciated: I use the Graph Options>Other to insert a background picture into the graph display (i.e. the Document...
View ArticleNew Post: Save Image to File - Graph image is shifted relative to the...
I think the output resolution of the image and the resolution of the graph pane are not the same. Can you check that you are saving your graph image with a fixed resolution that is the same as the...
View ArticleNew Post: Save Image to File - Graph image is shifted relative to the...
Thanks Marc, Thanks for ur prompt response :) I think u r correct in suspecting a mismatch of the resolutions, or to be more accurate - the pixel counts. The background picture is 952 (H) x 543 (W)...
View ArticleNew Post: How does NodeXL compute betweenness
A vertex that occurs on many shortest paths between other vertices has a larger betweenness centrality than vertices that do not. Betweenness centrality is defined in this article:...
View ArticleNew Post: Save Image to File - Graph image is shifted relative to the...
I think you will need to be very careful to get the results you want. You will need to size the window to fit the background image exactly. You will need to size the image file output exactly to the...
View ArticleNew Post: Labels not showing properly
To label vertices using the Label shape: Select the Vertices worksheet. If the worksheet's Visual Properties column group is not visible, show the column group. For each vertex that should have a Label...
View ArticleNew Post: How does NodeXL compute betweenness
Marc, thanks for replying. I checked out both references. The Wikipedia page defines the usual Freeman betweenness measure from his 1978/1979 Social Networks article (though with a slight notational...
View ArticleNew Post: Vertex 1 and Vertex 2 data doesnt match to the tweet in Column Q
Vertex 1 and vertex 2 should have a valid relationship and that should be match with relationship mentioned and tweet present in column Q.I have looked for it but somehow it is not matching.! Please...
View ArticleNew Post: Groups by clusters (Clauset-Newman-Moore)
In the creation of clusters, the Clauset-Newman-Moore algorithm considers only unique links or also considers the duplicate links? Yhanks Paula Ribeiro
View ArticleNew Post: Error message, URI too long.
Hello. I keep having a recurring issue attempting to download my personal Facebook data. I'm trying to use NodeXL's social network importer plug-in to download my graph; I'm a TA testing the software...
View ArticleNew Post: Error message, URI too long.
I also just tried this with my roommate's account and received the same error; we likely have high similarity with mutual friends.
View ArticleNew Post: Selfloops and metrics
The nodexl can identify selfloops and puts the total value in the overall metrics sheet. But selfloops are considered in general metric calculation as in-degree, out-degree, betweenness, etc?
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Error during installation [25780]
have been unable to use NodeXL as the ribbon is missing. IT dept decided to re-install NodeXL (after deleting NodeXL via 'Add/Remove program' and deleted App 2.0 folder). However error message came up...
View ArticleNew Post: Groups by Vertex Attribute take too long
I need the Groups Function all the time and it is working fine but the problem is, it takes much too long. I've got about 14000 lines in Edges that have to be grouped. This always takes about 1 hour...
View ArticleNew Post: Apply Clauset-Newman-Moore algorithm to Clusters in a group
Hi Tony, Can you explain your 5th point again? I'm not able to add SnapGraphicCalculator.exe Thanks.
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