Commented Unassigned: Can't install [25574]
Receive the following error when trying to installComponent Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86 and x64) has failed to install with the following error message:"Fatal error...
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NodeXL is a free, open-source template for Microsoft® Excel® 2007, 2010 and 2013 that makes it easy to explorenetwork graphs. With NodeXL, you can enter a network edge list in a worksheet, click a...
View ArticleNew Post: Macro access to NodeXL
Currently I'm using Excel VBA to collect and visualize data from a SQL database. My Code creates custom graphics and afterwards accesses MS Word to load a report template and copies the graphs into the...
View ArticleNew Post: Macro access to NodeXL
Please clarify what you mean by using NodeXL output in your report. Do you mean that you have an edge list and you would like to generate a graph image from that edge list? If so, there is a "NodeXL...
View ArticleNew Post: Laying out selective vertices...
Sir, I am developing simple C# application using NodeXL. I have added few vertices and edges to the graph. Then used ConnectedComponentCalculator algorithm to find out strongly connected components....
View ArticleNew Post: Macro access to NodeXL
Hello Tony! Thank you for the response. Yes, I would like to use a NodeXL generated graph in my report. I already read about using the Class Libraries but as the application code is an Excel VBA Macro,...
View ArticleNew Post: Flickr WebException 403 Error
Hello, all: For the past day, I've been trying to extract a related tags network from Flickr. I keep getting a message:"The network couldn't be obtained. Details: [WebException]: The remote server...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: no installation folder [25577]
hi, i wanted to install nodexl on my windows 64bit system. after installation, i can find nodexl template via the search but its not in the C:\Program Files\Social Media Research Foundation\NodeXL...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: no installation folder [25577]
hi, i wanted to install nodexl on my windows 64bit system. after installation, i can find nodexl template via the search but its not in the C:\Program Files\Social Media Research Foundation\NodeXL...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: Home
NodeXL is a free, open-source template for Microsoft® Excel® 2007, 2010 and 2013 that makes it easy to explorenetwork graphs. With NodeXL, you can enter a network edge list in a worksheet, click a...
View ArticleNew Post: Macro access to NodeXL
Hello, Christian: The NodeXL Class Libraries are not COM compatible, and therefore cannot be used directly from VBA. I know of nothing that would prevent them from being made COM compatible, but given...
View ArticleNew Post: Flickr WebException 403 Error
I see. It's a change with the Flickr API... :P It sounds from the outside like a simple enough change.
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.332 (In progress) If you attempted to import a Flickr network, you would get a message that included the text "The remote server returned an error: (403)...
View ArticleSource code checked in, #74625
If you attempted to import a Flickr network, you would get a message that included the text "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden."
View ArticleNew Post: Flickr WebException 403 Error
This will be fixed in the next release. Thank you for letting us know about it, and for researching the fix! -- Tony
View ArticleNew Post: Laying out selective vertices...
Here is the documentation for the LayOutTheseVerticesWithinBounds key:The key is used only if the LayOutTheseVerticesOnly key is also added to the graph. If both keys are present, the specified...
View ArticleNew Post: Laying out selective vertices...
Sir, I don't want "group in a box" kind of a layout. What I have is Mobile Call Detail Records, where each record contain 2 numbers (i.e. A Party & B Party) This are the steps I have...
View ArticleNew Post: Retweet that contains a mention - Edge to just retweet or to...
Why your mention (@Tony to @Marc) will be ignored?? isn't that relation supposed to be counted? why NodeXl only add an edge if both of you tweet "the same word"??? Please answer me, i need to know,...
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