New Post: Laying out selective vertices...
Okay, I think I understand your requirements. To lay out and show only the vertices in a strongly connected component, do the following: Add the LayOutTheseVerticesOnly key to the graph. By default,...
View ArticleNew Post: Retweet that contains a mention - Edge to just retweet or to...
In curtis_h's earlier example, there will be an edge from Tony to marc with a "Relationship" column value of "Mentions". It is not ignored. Perhaps you misread my post? But this discussion is now out...
View ArticleNew Post: Retweet that contains a mention - Edge to just retweet or to...
Basic network: When you select this option, NodeXL asks Twitter for recent tweets that match your search query. It then creates a vertex for each unique user who either tweeted one of those tweets, was...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: Home
NodeXL is a free, open-source template for Microsoft® Excel® 2007, 2010 and 2013 that makes it easy to explorenetwork graphs. With NodeXL, you can enter a network edge list in a worksheet, click a...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: Home
NodeXL is a free, open-source template for Microsoft® Excel® 2007, 2010 and 2013 that makes it easy to explorenetwork graphs. With NodeXL, you can enter a network edge list in a worksheet, click a...
View ArticleNew Post: follower sets & the Twitter API
Hi, I'm trying to collect the follow data for a single Twitter account. That account has 23K followers and 98 following. Ideally I'd surface mutual follows as well, but minimally I'd like to collect...
View ArticleNew Post: Laying out selective vertices...
Sir, Thank you very much! The code/program is working fine as per your suggestions. Can you further suggest some points (if any) to optimize it for large data sets? Thanks again.
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL Class Library Graph Legend
Hi I'm creating a graph using the NodeXL Class Library. I would know if and how I can add a legend to the graph like it's possible in the Excel Template. Thanks VDS
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL Class Library Graph Legend
VDS: The code for doing that is built into the Excel Template; it's not part of the NodeXL Class Libraries. Here are two options: Adapt the header and footer code from the GraphImageCompositor class in...
View ArticleNew Post: follower sets & the Twitter API
Hello, Amy: Which version of NodeXL are you using? You can tell by going to NodeXL, Help, About in the Excel ribbon. I ask because the Twitter importers have been overhauled in recent versions of...
View ArticleNew Post: Laying out selective vertices...
Do you mean that you're not happy with the way the vertices are getting laid out? If so and if you are using a FruchtermanReingoldLayout object, you can increase its "Iterations" property from its...
View ArticleNew Post: Laying out selective vertices...
Hi Tony, Would it be possible to make the number of iterations and the "C" constant for the Fruchterman-Reingold layout available to the user through the NodeXL gui (I am not a programmer)? Thanks. Peter
View ArticleNew Post: Laying out selective vertices...
Hello, Peter: Yes. Go to NodeXL, Graph, Layout, Layout Options in the Excel ribbon. In the Layout Options dialog box, you can adjust "strength of the repulsive force between vertices" and "iterations...
View ArticleNew Post: follower sets & the Twitter API
Hello, Amy: In newer versions of NodeXL, including the one you have, NodeXL asks Twitter only for each user's 2,000 newest friends. There is a "more about this option" help link in the Import from...
View ArticleNew Post: follower sets & the Twitter API
Importing the network can take a long time when you select this option. Due to Twitter rate limiting, NodeXL can import the friends and followers of only fifteen users every fifteen minutes. If you...
View ArticleNew Post: Importing data from Twitter users network page changes a lot in the...
Hi, I used to use the old version of NodeXl, in which the importing data from twitter users network page is like this: I can choose to add a vertex for each: Person followed by the user; Person...
View ArticleNew Post: Importing data from Twitter users network page changes a lot in the...
Please see this conversions, which is about the same issue: -- Tony
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Installation problem [25588]
Hi,I've downloaded the installer NodeXLExcelTemplate2014Setup.exe and run it with local administrator privileges (otherwise I cannot install any software in this computer). Everything seems to be OK...
View ArticleCommented Issue: First time running error [23879]
I'm attempting to run NodeXL for the first time and get the following error:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------```Name:...
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