New Post: Importing data from Twitter using Twitter Search Network is not...
Hello, Samantha: NodeXL can give you only what Twitter gives to NodeXL, so it's Twitter that is limiting the results you're getting. If you click the first "More about this option" help link in the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Installation Problem [25606]
I was trying to install node on my laptop running Windows 8.1, with office 365. I keep receiving this error and I am at a loss.Comments: ** Comment from web user: tcap479 ** I don't know what's causing...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Installation Problem [25606]
I was trying to install node on my laptop running Windows 8.1, with office 365. I keep receiving this error and I am at a loss.Comments: ** Comment from web user: Movalle ** unfortunately that doesn't...
View ArticleNew Post: Put each group into a small square?
Hello, dear tcap479: I'm so sorry to disturb you. Now my Library version When I use "nodeXLControl.Layout.BoxLayoutAlgorithm = BoxLayoutAlgorithm.ForceDirected ", I find some graphs work...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: The position of vertices in a graph [25611]
Hi - First time 'poster!' - I am just having a play about with NodeXL at the minute and am wondering about the position of nodes within the graph (currently set on Fruchterman-Reingold). I am splitting...
View ArticleNew Post: Put each group into a small square?
Hello, dougeloul: I need clarification on what you mean by "abnormal" vs. "proper." I'm not sure if you're saying that something is actually broken, or if you just find the layout results...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: The position of vertices in a graph [25611]
Hi - First time 'poster!' - I am just having a play about with NodeXL at the minute and am wondering about the position of nodes within the graph (currently set on Fruchterman-Reingold). I am splitting...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: The position of vertices in a graph [25611]
Hi - First time 'poster!' - I am just having a play about with NodeXL at the minute and am wondering about the position of nodes within the graph (currently set on Fruchterman-Reingold). I am splitting...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Instalaltion without internet access [25613]
I'm trying to install NodeXl on pcs on a network with no internet access so do you have an installation program that contains all the required component for the installation?thanks Stéphane
View ArticleNew Post: Sociological Researches about Twitter : I need some help to start
Bonjour, j'utilise également Node XL et Gephi, mais quand j'enregistre mes datas dans node xl au format graphML file, et que j'ouvre le fichier dans Gephi, il y a des données que je ne retrouve pas....
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Instalaltion without internet access [25613]
I'm trying to install NodeXl on pcs on a network with no internet access so do you have an installation program that contains all the required component for the installation?thanks StéphaneComments: **...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: The position of vertices in a graph [25611]
Hi - First time 'poster!' - I am just having a play about with NodeXL at the minute and am wondering about the position of nodes within the graph (currently set on Fruchterman-Reingold). I am splitting...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Installation Problem [25606]
I was trying to install node on my laptop running Windows 8.1, with office 365. I keep receiving this error and I am at a loss.Comments: ** Comment from web user: tcap479 ** There is one more thing to...
View ArticleNew Post: Self-loops
Hi, Can the loops be removed from around the isolates on the graph? If so, what is the procedure? Thanks
View ArticleNew Post: Self-loops
Yes. On the Edges worksheet, enter this into the first cell of the Visibility column: =IF([@[Vertex 1]]=[@[Vertex 2]], "Hide", "Show") (If you don't see a Visibility column on the Edges worksheet, go...
View ArticleNew Post: Self-loops
Hi Tony, Thanks for your quick response. The response I got was:"The name you entered is not valid. Reasons for this include: the name does not begin with a letter or an underscorethe names contains a...
View ArticleNew Post: Self-loops
It sounds like you're inadvertently pasting HTML instead of just plain text. Here is one way to work around that: 1) Copy this formula again: =IF([@[Vertex 1]]=[@[Vertex 2]], "Hide", "Show") 2)...
View ArticleNew Post: Self-loops
Hi Tony, What a pain. Followed your instructions and go this message:“The cell G3 contains an invlaid visibility. Try selecting from the cell’s drop-down list instead.” Do you have any other...
View ArticleNew Post: Self-loops
You're going to have to do some detective work to figure out what's going wrong, because I can't figure it out from here. Try building up the formula in stages. To start, type (don't paste) this into...
View ArticleNew Post: Self-loops
One other thing: Make sure that cell G3 and the data cells below it are all formatted as "General". If they are formatted as "Text", you can get the error message you mentioned. Here are instructions...
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