New Post: Failure to install NodeXL office 2013 windows 7
Hello! Thank you for the effort to resolve your issue! Glad to hear that NodeXL is now running on your system! I hope your method will work for other users facing a similar issue. Regards, Marc
View ArticleNew Post: Error Importing data from facebook users network page
I couldn't import a "Facebook Personal and timeline network" even when I asked only for the First and Last Names, and Relationship. The error message is the following: "The network couldn't be...
View ArticleNew Post: social net importer v 1.9.4
hi 1- why the socialnetimporter v 1.9.4 does not download the attribute of friends of user such as book, interseted, music,tv, .... 2-why the socialnetimporter does not import atrribute of the liker or...
View ArticleNew Post: GraphML File Javascript Error
Marc: I just solved the Java error message. It is a corruption that happened when converting the file to GraphML. Although the &# was not in my d-base, when opening the GraphML in notepad and...
View ArticleNew Post: Experimental Version of Graphs on NodeXL Graph Gallery
Hello, NodeXL Team: For some reason, the experimental version of the graphs have not been showing up for a while (on my graphs) on the NodeXL Graph Gallery. I'm wondering if there is a problem with the...
View ArticleNew Post: Experimental Version of Graphs on NodeXL Graph Gallery
Hello!I am able to render this interactive network: one is not rendering for you?Please try again?Regards, -Marc
View ArticleNew Post: Experimental Version of Graphs on NodeXL Graph Gallery
Hello, Marc: How about this one? It doesn't render at all for me on any of the three named browsers.
View ArticleNew Post: clauset newman moore algorithm
i have to implement clauset newman moore algorithm in c please tell me how should i start in what modules i should divide ?
View ArticleNew Post: error on Facebook fan page network loading 8/8
NodeXL An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to...
View ArticleNew Post: Please help solve my error in installation
Hi, I've just tried to install Node XL onto my PC (via a MAC emulator) but when I've tried to install it, I get the following message: The referenced assembly is not installed on your system (Excpetion...
View ArticleNew Post: Freeman centralization
Hi Santosh, You can use these formulas to calculate network centralization: Centralization (Degree)...
View ArticleNew Post: Not a rate limit question: Twitter API's and NodeXL
Hi, I was playing around with the Twitter API's recently, and noticed that, at least for the Streaming API that I was playing with, most vertex information for mentioned users (profile description,...
View ArticleNew Post: Not a rate limit question: Twitter API's and NodeXL
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! Twitter offers different data from the REST and STREAM API. The full range of metadata about users provided in the REST API is NOT provided in the STREAM...
View ArticleNew Post: I can't download or run NODEXL without getting an error
I am using a WIndows 7 OS, and recently went to update my fully functioning NODEXL. The download ran into an error, and efforts to run NODEXL ran into the same error message. Name; Smrf.NodeXL. Excel...
View ArticleNew Post: Not a rate limit question: Twitter API's and NodeXL
Thanks Marc - that helps!
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Get [25898]
I have tried to download this program to Windows 8 Surface Pro 3 with Office 2013. I have not installed any prior versions. Once the download process begins I hit 'Run' (or Save and then run it) and...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Error during installation - Exception reading manifest...
Won't installSystem Info: Windows 8.1, 64 bit, 8GB, i7-4600U, Office 2013 (click-to-run), O365Error is as follows: There was an error during installationName: NodeXL Excel TemplateFrom:...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Error during installation - Exception reading manifest...
Won't installSystem Info: Windows 8.1, 64 bit, 8GB, i7-4600U, Office 2013 (click-to-run), O365Error is as follows: There was an error during installationName: NodeXL Excel TemplateFrom:...
View ArticleNew Post: Import problems
Can you please help me import into NodeXL? I have survey data that was placed in an Excel workbook. It is like a matrix, but it is not square (missing categories and also multiple people from the same...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Error during installation - Exception reading manifest...
Won't installSystem Info: Windows 8.1, 64 bit, 8GB, i7-4600U, Office 2013 (click-to-run), O365Error is as follows: There was an error during installationName: NodeXL Excel TemplateFrom:...
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