New Post: Overall Metrics Doubt
Hi, I am doing a project for school and I need to do some metrics (in and out-degree, betweenness, closeness and eigenvector). The thing is, I don't understand the graph that it is plotting me. Why is...
View ArticleNew Post: Import problems
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL. Importing Graph Data from Another Workbook: You can import graph data that is stored in another open Excel workbook in either matrix format or as an edge...
View ArticleNew Post: How to generate Random Graphs "watts-stragatz" or "kleinberg...
Is it possible to generate Random Graphs "watts-stragatz" or "kleinberg smallword" with NodeXL ? Any suggestions or to do this with NodeXL in the right direction would be appreciated! Thanks.
View ArticleNew Post: How to generate Random Graphs "watts-stragatz" or "kleinberg...
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! Here is a post that may be helpful: It can be useful to create networks...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Unable to authorize Twitter import [25902]
Hi, I'm unable to authorize downloads from twitter. I have put in the pin from the twitter authorization page but was then given an error message: "The remote server returned an error : (500) Internal...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Get error message when trying to download [25898]
I have tried to download this program to Windows 8 Surface Pro 3 with Office 2013. I have not installed any prior versions. Once the download process begins I hit 'Run' (or Save and then run it) and...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Error during installation - Exception reading manifest...
Won't installSystem Info: Windows 8.1, 64 bit, 8GB, i7-4600U, Office 2013 (click-to-run), O365Error is as follows: There was an error during installationName: NodeXL Excel TemplateFrom:...
View ArticlePatch Uploaded: #17161
felipebarro22 has uploaded a patch.Description:Disciplina - Facebook
View ArticleNew Post: facebook plug-in can't import a facebook fan page
Hi, I faced a challenge, when I want to import a facebook fanpages called "EZTABLE 24HR reservation" It Can't work at all. But when I choose fanpage "Kobe Bryant" It can work! Amazing! I ask my friends...
View ArticleNew Post: Error during installation - Exception reading manifest
Would appreciate any help with issue installing NodeXL
View ArticleNew Post: Error message when trying to use the "automate" function
And the error message asked to post it here, so:NodeXL An unexpected problem occurred. If it occurs again, please copy the details to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C, then post the details to...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Importing Twitter Data only for Year 2015, problem...
Hi,I am doing a research study with twitter data, unfortunately, when i import twitter data, it only includes tweets and mentioned in January 2015. How do i collate data for full year of 2014 and...
View ArticleNew Post: Importing Twitter Data only for Year 2015, problem getting 2014...
Hi, I am doing a research study with twitter data, unfortunately, when i import twitter data, it only includes tweets and mentioned in January 2015. How do i collate data for full year of 2014 and...
View ArticleNew Post: Importing Twitter Data only for Year 2015, problem getting 2014...
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! Please see: Twitter limits access to data. It provide only Tweets within the last 7 or 8 days and will...
View ArticleNew Post: Install Error
I initially struck the same error as hchandler. I was able to get it working by following MarcSmith's instructions above, with one variation. On my machine I navigated to the folder: C:\Program Files...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL installation fails, but works fine.
I initially struck the same error as Jessica. I was able to get it working by following MarcSmith's instructions above, with one variation. On my machine I navigated to the folder: C:\Program Files...
View ArticleNew Post: Automating Refresh Graph
I'm trying to portray a reasonably simple set of changing relationships in near real-time. Is there a way yet to automate this e.g via VBA.? This may dovetail with a program behaviour that I would like...
View ArticleNew Post: Problems with comments import
Hi there, I´m trying to import some comments of an specific post from a Fan Page I have analyst privileges, but it's not working. The following error message is always displayed....
View ArticleNew Post: Problems connectiong Facebook
I'm having this issue as well. The in-program browser (internet explorer) won't connect to the internet for the Social Media Importer plugin to allow me to login or logout of my Facebook account. I've...
View ArticleNew Post: How to re-install NodeXL
Hello everyone, this is my first time posting here. After couple of days of consistent issues with my NodeXL template, I decided to reinstall it. Before the reinstall it, I removed all the files...
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