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NodeXL is a free, open-source template for Microsoft® Excel® 2007, 2010 and 2013 that makes it easy to explorenetwork graphs. With NodeXL, you can enter a network edge list in a worksheet, click a...
View ArticleNew Post: Modularity
Hello, MarcSmith. Thank you for your answer, but I still have doubts. In your response, Marc say that modularity is "calculated by the network clustering algorithms available in NodeXL#, but you also...
View ArticleNew Post: Importing Twitter Data only for Year 2015, problem getting 2014...
Dear Marc, Thank you so much for your time and explanation on the parameters of NodeXL.
View ArticleNew Post: How to install NodeXL for multiple users
SohailNoor, I am trying to do the same thing you are in installing NoteXL 2014 in a lab environment for all users. Have you found a way to do that?
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL Source Question..
Hi, I downloaded the source code and was wondering a few things: Is it possible to use the NodeXL source code or the NodeXL class libraries to connect to the twitter API, obtain metics(just like the...
View ArticleNew Post: Class Libraries - Drawing Edges
I have imported an excel worksheet which was gathered using the Facebook api through the NodeXL Template(just using the template for now to gather data, later I would like to interact with the FB api...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Error during installation - Exception reading manifest...
Won't installSystem Info: Windows 8.1, 64 bit, 8GB, i7-4600U, Office 2013 (click-to-run), O365Error is as follows: There was an error during installationName: NodeXL Excel TemplateFrom:...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Installation in multi-user environment [25677]
At our university, we have used NodeXL now for some years, for teaching purposes.This year, however, our IT department reports that they cannot install the new distribution of NodeXL on the network, so...
View ArticleNew Post: Modularity
Hello! NodeXL calculates graph cluster Modularity by passing the graph to a calculation library called SNAP. See: http://snap.stanford.edu The SNAP codebase is avaliable for inspection there. Regards,...
View ArticleNew Post: Class Libraries - Drawing Edges
Hello Matt, when a vertex is created it gets a unique ID for the graph which can be accessed through the ID property of the vertex. The same applies to edges. Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL Source Question..
Hello, the Twitter graph data provider is not shipped with class libraries, but you can build your own (as an example you can see SampleGraphDataProvider.cs file in the class libraries). If you want to...
View ArticleNew Post: How to install NodeXL for multiple users
Hello, we still don't have a way how to install ClickOnce on lab environments, but we are seeking other ways to deliver the application in such cases. Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: Class Libraries - Drawing Edges
Also, Matt, please note that there is a Smrf.NodeXL.Adapters.SimpleGraphAdapter class that will create a new graph for you by reading an edge list from a string, file, or stream, without your having to...
View ArticleNew Post: Problems with comments import
Hello, this should be a temporary error since Facebook is changing the API and a lot of calls are affected. However if the problem persists please share the fan page you are trying to analyze and the...
View ArticleNew Post: Problems connectiong Facebook
Hello, the authorization scheme Facebook uses is different from the one Twitter uses. We have to have control over the browser windows in order to get the access_token after successful authentication...
View ArticleNew Post: Error message when trying to use the "automate" function
Hello, please have a look at this post http://nodexl.codeplex.com/discussions/531301 Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: Error during installation - Exception reading manifest
Hello, the error message I see is: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required. Either you are using a proxy and the proxy server doesn't allow you to access...
View ArticleNew Post: facebook plug-in can't import a facebook fan page
Hello, can you please specify the options you selected for the network creation? Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: I can't download or run NODEXL without getting an error
Hello, can you please paste the full error so we can debug? Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: Automating Refresh Graph
Hello, there is an "Automate" button in the NodeXL ribbon bar so you can perform a set of tasks by clicking a single button. There is also an option in the import menu (Import->Import...
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