New Post: License Issue with NodeXL Pro..
Hello, are you sure it is the same error? If it is the same then the ONLY reason is that the firewall is blocking NodeXL. Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: Error 1001 Visual Studie 2010 can't be found
yes, but that did not help. In fact the error message remained the same after I installed Visual Studio Tool Arthur
View ArticleNew Post: License Issue with NodeXL Pro..
Definitely the same error. "Your have matched the maximum number of allowed offline opens!"... I have looked in both the Kaspersky and Windows Firewalls and opened up all of the ICMP, ICMPv6 (and...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem running NodeXL
Hi there I purchased the license file on Fri to activate NodeXL Pro and it ran fine on that day. However when I tried to use it again today, it keeps popping out with the following error: Microsoft...
View ArticleNew Post: Upgraded to NodeXL Pro? Want to go back to NodeXL Basic? Here's how
A follow-up: some users report that the do not see the AppData folder. That folder may be hidden. If you do not see the folder, either tell Windows to show hidden files, OR directly navigate to that...
View ArticleNew Post: Upset by irreversible Downgrade
Hi Team Nodexl, I was a proponent of this software. It was something relatively powerful and useful that I used once a month or so in my research and it was free!!! I was very surprised today to find...
View ArticleNew Post: Upset by irreversible Downgrade
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! NodeXL has been split into two versions: NodeXL Basic and NodeXL Pro. NodeXL Basic is positioned as a browser for files created with NodeXL Pro. In order to...
View ArticleNew Post: Academic license
Hi NodeXL team... I would like to know if an Academic /non-profit user license can be used for a social science laboratory in an academic department? Saludos Juan MC Larrosa
View ArticleNew Post: Can't Install Anything
Hello Sarah, I can see from our data that you used to purchase the license. I am not sure if it is the same as, but if it is not can you please check...
View ArticleNew Post: Academic license
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! Yes! The Academic, non-profit license is for users in government, university, non-profits, NGOs, and social services organizations. Feel free to contact me...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem running NodeXL
Hello, can you please check if the license was moved or renamed or if it is in a folder where NodeXL doesn't have access (maybe an OS sensitive folder like Program Files or C:)? Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: License Issue with NodeXL Pro..
Hello, the openPro.dat file is created the first time NodeXL validates the license through the server. Since NodeXL can not communicate with the server, the file does not get created. Are you on a...
View ArticleNew Post: Error 1001 Visual Studie 2010 can't be found
Hello Arthur, are you on a Lab/office environment? Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: "Network is empty" dialog box
Hello Yohanan, I checked group with ID 604772032876642 and I was able to get data It seems that this group doesn't have much traffic so I...
View ArticleNew Post: Error 1001 Visual Studie 2010 can't be found
Arber, I am working in an Office 2010 environment, Windows 7. It is also not clear that Visual Studio was properly installed. I am trying to check. Arthur
View ArticleNew Post: Can't Install Anything
Yes, they're the same. But feel free to try again using I'm still waiting.
View ArticleNew Post: Error 1001 Visual Studie 2010 can't be found
Hello Arthur, maybe I was not Lab/Office I meant are you working at home or some place (lab or office) where your computer is part of a network. If this is the case then probably VSTO...
View ArticleNew Post: Can't Install Anything
Hello Sarah, a new license has been sent to Sometimes it may take up to two hours for you to receive the license depending on the server load. Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: Problem running NodeXL
Thanks for your reply, Arber! So can you please confirm the error is due to the license file? I ain't really sure whether I've put the license file on Google Drive has affected the running of the...
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