New Post: How to install NodeXL for multiple users
Hello Marc,I would be willing to try a solution in our environment. I think I got it working enough for now, but it still downloads the files each time a new user starts up the NodeXL template, so if...
View ArticleNew Post: How to install NodeXL for multiple users
Happy to chat.Please email me directly! -Marchttp://www.connectedaction.net
View ArticleNew Post: Time (Year) vertices insertion in NodeXL
I want to arrange a discussion regarding NodeXL. Can you please state the time when will you be available ?
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: NodeXL Teaching Resources
NodeXL Teaching ResourcesA number of instructors have been using NodeXL to help teach social network analysis. It is relatively easy to use compared to many other network analysis and visualization...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: NodeXL Teaching Resources
NodeXL Teaching ResourcesA number of instructors have been using NodeXL to help teach social network analysis. It is relatively easy to use compared to many other network analysis and visualization...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Installation issue [65097]
I'm getting the following error when I trying to install NodeXL. Do you know a solution to this? I was hoping to demonstrate the program for a class lecture.Name: NodeXL Excel TemplateFrom:...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: NodeXL Teaching Resources
NodeXL Teaching ResourcesA number of instructors have been using NodeXL to help teach social network analysis. It is relatively easy to use compared to many other network analysis and visualization...
View ArticleNew Post: Erorr when istalling on windows 7 (32bit)
Help me please! Name: NodeXL Excel Template From: ************** Exception Text **************...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: NodeXL ribbon not appearing [65100]
Fresh install Windows 7 Excel 2010 and ribbon tab for NodeXL not appearing when I open from start menu and I get error message in attachment. Had a previous version which worked wonderfully but...
View ArticleNew Post: Erorr when istalling on windows 7 (32bit)
Hello, yes that is the problem, ClickOnce doesn't like proxy. I will have a look on the internet if I can find a solution, but the last time I checked there was none. Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: NodeXL ribbon not appearing [65100]
Fresh install Windows 7 Excel 2010 and ribbon tab for NodeXL not appearing when I open from start menu and I get error message in attachment. Had a previous version which worked wonderfully but...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Installation issue [65097]
I'm getting the following error when I trying to install NodeXL. Do you know a solution to this? I was hoping to demonstrate the program for a class lecture.Name: NodeXL Excel TemplateFrom:...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Sentiment Analysis [65095]
Hello,Where can I find the results of the sentiment analysis?thanks,N.Comments: ** Comment from web user: arber ** Hello,the results of the sentiment analysis are on "Word" and "Word Pairs"...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: No Word Pair, Time series, etc. sheets [65094]
Hello, I am trying to calculate metrics for a Twitter network. Weirdly enough (maybe after the last update), the Word Pair and other sheets are no longer created.the only sheets I have are:- Edges-...
View ArticleNew Post: Error instalatión Windows 10 NODEXL PRO
Hola, Tengo problemas para instalar NodeXLProExcelTemplate2014Setup.exe He probado la opción SIN SOLUCIÓN. ¿Como lo soluciono? Gracias, barri
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: NodeXL Installation Errors - resolution: add
Hi, I do not work. :( barri
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