New Post: Error instalatión Windows 10 NODEXL PRO
Hello, can you please use another service (Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive etc) to upload the screenshot because it looks like Codeplex does not accept images. Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: NodeXL ribbon not appearing [65100]
Fresh install Windows 7 Excel 2010 and ribbon tab for NodeXL not appearing when I open from start menu and I get error message in attachment. Had a previous version which worked wonderfully but...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Installer problem with Windows 10 Excel 2016 [65009]
I've just loaded windows 10 and office 2016. When I try and install Nodexl I get a general installer error Smrf.NodelXL.ExcelTemplate.vsto 0x8007007EAny ideas?Comments: ** Comment from web user:...
View ArticleNew Post: Error instalatión Windows 10 NODEXL PRO
Solucionado. He desconectado el firewall y se instala sin problemas.
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: From Twitter extract search network?
With the tool I remove tags hastag #NacimosParaElCambio 23,000 tweets. Why I draw with NodeXL only 3.900 tweets? Best regards, Barri
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Object reference opening issues. [65106]
Hello guys. I'm having some issues when I try to open the template. It's not a specific file, the template itself it's not working. It shows "object reference not set to an instance of an object" with...
View ArticleNew Post: From Twitter extract search network?
Have a look at this thread:
View ArticleNew Post: Importing data from Twitter. NodeXL to give not more than 18,000...
Hi, I also work with NodeXL Pro. I do not understand why the search has NodeXL prois limited by the Twitter API and tool TAGS project by Martin Hawksey not limited. The analysis that I do with NodeXL...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Prerequisites / Error Installing [65107]
Hello. I heard of NodeXL this weekend and I am trying to give it a tryI have Excel 2016 and when I try to install NodeXL Basic and NodeXL Pro I get the same error:---------------------------Visual...
View ArticleNew Post: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Hello guys. I'm having a similar issue regarding object reference. Could you help me? System.NullReferenceException: Referência de objeto não definida para uma instância de um objeto. em...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Hello, please try moving your license at some folder which does not contain OS-sensitive data (you can use Documents, Downloads, D: drive etc). Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: Importing data from Twitter. NodeXL to give not more than 18,000...
Hello, there is a "Limit to" option in the "Import from Twitter Search Network" dialog box. Please set that limit to the maximum number (18.000). I just tried your query and got 5000 tweets. Regards,...
View ArticleNew Post: Importing data from Twitter. NodeXL to give not more than 18,000...
After trying several times he captured all tweets. Regrds, Barri
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Hello arber. I tied to do what you said it it didn't work. The license was already inside a folder (Documents folder) which didn't have any OS files or whatsoever. I moved it to the Downloads folder,...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Installation Several Issues [65110]
Hello!I'm trying to install NodeXL on my Win 8 64x - Office 2013but I'm facing some troubles.When I try to launch the installation it gives me back this error:Impossibile analizzare il valore della...
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