New Post: Missing Data! Please help!
Hello Marc, Thank you for your assistance! It's my understanding that my professor Avery Holton reached out to you regarding this as well. I've been in correspondence with Arbor, who also told me to...
View ArticleNew Post: Accessing and using Twitter 'Firehose' extracts
Has anybody any experience of accessing Twitter datasets from one of the big 'firehose' providers and using them with NodeXL? I have a client who forgot to let anybody know they were running a social...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: Missing Data! Please help!
Hi Marc and Arber, I was wondering if either of you had an idea as to why the in-degree and out-degree columns were not populating in my spreadsheet. Both of you recommended running the graph metrics...
View ArticleNew Post: Accessing and using Twitter 'Firehose' extracts
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL! We have some command line tools that can convert the output of most of the social media data archive services. These tools are not yet ready for general...
View ArticleNew Post: Install error: Exception reading manifest (Win7, Office 2010)
Hello, I'm having problems with (re-)installing NodeXL Pro. When the Microsoft Office customization installer opens I recieve the following error message. I have tested several Internet connections...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Installation - Trusted site issue [65127]
Dear Team, I am trying to install NodeXL on my computer. Unfortunately it seems that by the security guidelines of my organization I am not able to add nodexl as trusted site. Therefore my question, is...
View ArticleNew Post: Facebook Reactions
As you know Facebook recently released an update enabling people to react emotionally. I'm wondering if Nodexl can collect that data and if not when this feature will be available on it. Thanks
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: Install error: Exception reading manifest (Win7, Office 2010)
Hello, please try downloading the latest VSTO Regards, Arber
View ArticleNew Post: Facebook Reactions
Hello, thank you for your interest in NodeXL! The new Facebook reactions are not available in the current API version. We are expecting to have them on the next Facebook API version (around April)...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Invalid License [65123]
Is anyone else having problems with their license being invalid? Three of us in the Discussion board mentioned it this morning... 3/23/2016... is there an issue? Please help I am in the middle of a...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Installation - Trusted site issue [65127]
Dear Team, I am trying to install NodeXL on my computer. Unfortunately it seems that by the security guidelines of my organization I am not able to add nodexl as trusted site. Therefore my question, is...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Youtube User's Network [65128]
Dear NodeXL team,I am having problems to import data from a youtube channel. When I am trying to gather data by introducing the username, the following message appears:The network couldn't be obtained....
View ArticleNew Post: Gallery Login and Export to it
Hi all When I choose export to NodeXL Gallery, nothing happens in my Excel. Does anybody have a similar problem? Also, I forgot my Gallery login. There's not an option in the website to retrieve it (I...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: New Instal
Hi NodeXL team, My laptop broke down and meanwhile, I have installed NodeXL in another computer. However, I cannot run the program properly. Furthermore, I cannot even open my NodeXL files from...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
View ArticleNew Post: An error occurred attempting to install Smrf.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.
Hello, i am trying to install NodeXl but i got an error message : An error occurred trying to download ''. is the server...
View ArticleNew Post: Thanks for your eMail Obrigado por seu eMail
Hello, thanks for your contact. I will answer soon but, due to big quantity of e-mails received every day, it could take some days. Ola', obrigado pelo seu contato. Vou responder em breve porem, devido...
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