New Post: Twitter: Followed vs. Follower Relationship
Thanks for the reply. OK so..."person followed by the user" instructs the importer to traverse the graph via out-bound "follows""person following the user" instructs the importer to traverse the graph...
View ArticleNew Post: Twitter: Followed vs. Follower Relationship
Hugh: That's what you should expect for the Level 1.5 and 2.0 cases. For the 1.0 case, you should expect this: Vertex1 Vertex2 Relationship Bob John Followed John Bob Follower -- Tony
View ArticleNew Post: office 2013
MarcSmith wrote: I was just teaching a NodeXL class in which two Windows 8 users installed NodeXL and one succeeded and the other failed. The original question was about Office 2013 under Windows 7,...
View ArticleNew Post: Lowercase vs uppercase in Twitter import
John: I need to investigate this. I'll get back to you. Thanks, Tony
View ArticleNew Post: Creating Groups?
Dear Marc,Thanks for your instruction below - incredibly helpful. I think I've grasped Edges and Vertices (in attached doc). Document Actions now capture general and health advice. Groups - not so sure...
View ArticleNew Post: Organization Charts in NodeXL
Hi all, I am trying to generate a org chart/span of control, a sort of squarefied treemap, using the NodeXL, for most of it this package is awesome but I am facing difficulty in defining bands/levels...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Issues downloading the program [24691]
Hi!I can't seem to download the program even after uninstalling it.I kept getting the following message:An error occurred while installing system components for Microsoft NodeXL Excel template. Setup...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Is it possible to extract the hashtags from the specific...
Hello,I would like to know if it is possible to extract the hashatags and the list networks from the specific profile on Twitter? If so, how we could extract them.Thank you very much.Your help and...
View ArticleNew Post: Organization Charts in NodeXL
Wouldn't it be better to use a tool that's actually designed to create org charts? NodeXL wasn't meant for that, and although you could probably get it to do what you want it to do with enough time and...
View ArticleNew Post: Record Tweets from specific search or user
Hi all, I'm a new Node XL user. I'm french PhD candidate in CIS / intelligence studies. My thesis project will discuss about the social media capacity for intelligence purposes, especially for...
View ArticleNew Post: Record Tweets from specific search or user
This thread is a good place to start:
View ArticleNew Post: Record Tweets from specific search or user
Dear Marc, Just back home here it's 21h30. I will have a look tonight ! Preparing my thesis subject. Will drop you an email if you are interested in. Kind regards, @Soc_Net_Intel
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Issues downloading the program [24691]
Hi!I can't seem to download the program even after uninstalling it.I kept getting the following message:An error occurred while installing system components for Microsoft NodeXL Excel template. Setup...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Is it possible to extract the hashtags from the...
Hi all,I would like to know if it is possible to extract the hashtags and the list networks from a specific profile on Twitter? If so, how we could extract them.Thank you very much.Your help and advice...
View ArticleNew Post: Record Tweets from specific search or user
Dear Marc, Excellent link. I understand that with limited object of research I can schedule in a sufficient time schedule (not continuously) some network configuration recordings using NodeXL Network...
View ArticleNew Post: Record Tweets from specific search or user
If you use the NodeXL Network Server program and you choose to save each network to a NodeXL workbook (as opposed to GraphML), make sure you schedule your tasks so they don't overlap in time. Here is a...
View ArticleNew Post: Record Tweets from specific search or user
Dear Tony, Thank you. I need to look after the estimated time of calculation of NodeXL application in different cases: specific user, list and search. I think it would certainly depends on the...
View ArticleNew Post: Record Tweets from specific search or user
With NodeXL's Twitter search network, where you get people who have recently tweeted a specified search term, NodeXL can collect several thousand tweets in a few minutes. You can ask for many more...
View ArticleNew Post: Record Tweets from specific search or user
Dear Tony, As always, thank you for your precise answer. I can now precise my research strategy with Node XL solution on Twitter Network. I will certainly try some samples with Twitter Search API to...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: How to get the Analysis Group option? [24705]
I have "Find Cluster" instead of "Group" under NodeXL > Analysis. I can't find it in my customize ribbon list. I need the Group option, kindly assist.
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