Closed Unassigned: How to Create an Edge List From a List of Items, Format 4...
The attached program can be used to create an edge list for NodeXL that consists of recombined text from a tab-delimited list. If you have this list, for example, where the spaces shown are actually...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: How to Create an Edge List From a List of Items, Format 4...
The attached program can be used to create an edge list for NodeXL that consists of recombined text from a tab-delimited list. If you have this list, for example, where the spaces shown are actually...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: How to Create an Edge List From a List of Items, Format...
The attached program can be used to create an edge list for NodeXL that consists of recombined text from a tab-delimited list. If you have this list, for example, where the spaces shown are actually...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: How to Create an Edge List From a List of Items, Format...
The attached program can be used to create an edge list for NodeXL that consists of recombined text from a tab-delimited list. If you have this list, for example, where the spaces shown are actually...
View ArticleNew Post: Importing multiple columns from Excel
Mark: You cannot import that type of list directly into NodeXL. However, we have a few accessory programs that can reformat various lists into a standard edge list that can be imported. I believe yours...
View ArticleNew Post: Mysterious extra box by every vertex
Thanks for the heads-up - glad it got sorted. Looking forward to the new port. Thanks for your time and effort :) Marcus
View ArticleNew Post: Problem with Social Net Importer
If you have questions about the Social Network Importer, the best place to get them answered is The importer is a NodeXL "plug-in" that came from a...
View ArticleNew Post: Timestamp on Facebook Posts and "Tweet column" in Facebook Data
Hello, Jen: If you have questions about the Social Network Importer, the best place to get them answered is The importer is a NodeXL "plug-in" that...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.300 (In progress) Bug fix: In some versions of Excel, the popup menu that appears when you right-click a cell in the Edges, Vertices and Groups worksheets did not...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.300 (In progress) Bug fix: In some versions of Excel, the popup menu that appears when you right-click a cell in the Edges, Vertices and Groups worksheets did not...
View ArticleNew Post: betweenness centrality for facebook page
hi, does it make any sense to calculate betweenness centrality and eigenvector centrality for a Facebook Fan page? Are there any metrics that could be calculated and are relevant to a FB Fan page?...
View ArticleNew Post: Opening Excel file without NodeXL addon
Hi! I have installed NodeXL on my machines, have populated the template, have a beautiful graph. I now want to share my file with my colleagues, but I don't want to burden them with installing NodeXL....
View ArticleNew Post: Opening Excel file without NodeXL addon
Consider exporting to the NodeXL Graph Gallery.See NodeXL>Data>Export>To NodeXL Graph GalleryAnd http://nodexlgraphgallery.orgOR, consider exporting to email.See NodeXL>Data>Export>To...
View ArticleNew Post: Sociological Researches about Twitter : I need some help to start
Hi ! I'm a french student, and I'm working on Twitter for my master's dissertation. It's a sociological approach, and it's mainly qualitative (the main part of my researches is about interviews with...
View ArticleNew Post: betweenness centrality for facebook page
Hello! Facebook has many bi-modal networks within it. User interact with Posts, for example, with Likes and Comments. Calculating meaningful network metrics for bi-modal networks is difficult. For...
View ArticleNew Post: Sociological Researches about Twitter : I need some help to start
Bonjour Quentin, Je m'appelle Cyrille Papon, je suis en parcours doctoral en France. J'utilise NodeXL et Gephi, entre autres, pour faire mes recherches. Je vous réponds suite à la demande de Marc...
View ArticleNew Post: Opening Excel file without NodeXL addon
Thanks Marc! Do you know perhaps why exporting to email requires I configure my email server..? Thanks.
View ArticleNew Post: Opening Excel file without NodeXL addon
NodeXL needs to be configured just like any other email client in order to send a message through your email service. You do not need to configure your email server. You will need to configure NodeXL...
View ArticleNew Post: Opening Excel file without NodeXL addon
Thanks Marc. Do you know what the difference is between this and simply using the "Send" feature in Excel..? I still don't get why I need to input my email credentials into NodeXL.. Seems like using...
View ArticleNew Post: Opening Excel file without NodeXL addon
Send does a similar job - it just may be that it has already been configured with your email credentials.Excel's Send will just create an email attachment: NodeXL's export to email will create an image...
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