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New Post: creating sankey diagrams in nodeXL

New Post: Dynamic degree

Tony, Having the ability to have the degree of just a subset of the graph would be incredibly useful. In addition to degree by group, I am thinking of degree by what's showing on the graph. Could that be added as a future feature? Peter

New Post: Twitter Search Network in NodeXL

New Post: Merging edges - which label is kept?

I could easily test for this, but you know, better things to do if someone already knows...

When merging multiple edges, which labels/layouts/etc does the output edge + edge weight retain?

For example, if one is merging Twitter mentions and the edge labels represents the tweets, which edge label is kept after merging? Which layout or other fields are kept?

Thanks in advance!

New Post: Dynamic degree

Welcome back, Peter:

Yes, I can see how that would be very useful. I'm not sure how it would work, though. Would the subset be that part of the graph that is selected--that is, the red vertices and edges, assuming you haven't changed the default selection color?

vitekmaca, is that what you meant by "visualizing some of the records"? Are you referring to the part of the graph that is selected?

-- Tony



I was trying to get data from my email. But i just got the email ref. but i was looking for number of mail sent or received from the concern email.

Could you please guide me how to get these data.

Thanks & regards,




Have a look at the NodeXL>Data>Prepare Data>Count and Merge Duplicate Edges feature.

This can count the number of times a pair of vertices are connected.

Optionally, you can require that the pair have a specific type of relationship.




Hi Marc,

Thanks for your quick response.

After applying above mentioned feature still i haven't got the count.



I may not understand the nature of your query.

Each vertex in an email network has an "in-degree" and an "out-degree" (if these measures have been calculated). These are the counts of other people to whom or from whom email has been sent or received.

Recall that one person's send is another person's receive.

If you have Counted Duplicate Edges, then for each pair "A>B" you should have a value which is equal to the number of times A>B that was observed.

Perhaps you can post the workbook to make the nature of your problem more clear?



New Post: Merging edges - which label is kept?

When merging duplicate edges, NodeXL retains the first duplicate edge and deletes the other duplicates. By "first," I mean the edge nearest to the top of the Edges worksheet.

So if rows 4, 10 and 18 are duplicates, merging duplicate edges will delete rows 10 and 18.

In most cases, row 4 will be unchanged after the merge; that is, all cell values in row 4, including the Label you mentioned, will be the same after the merge as before. The only exception is if you check "Count duplicate edges..." in the Count and Merge Duplicate Edges dialog box, which will add an "Edge Weight" value to row 4 (and to all the other rows in the worksheet).

-- Tony

New Post: Dynamic degree

I have a network where edge width represents frequency of interaction between nodes (I have 5 classes there) and I want to visualize just edges with frequency 1, second chart with freq 2,3,... Thats one part.
Second - node size would be degree in one case, betweeness in second and centrality in third.
It means 5 charts for each measure, together 15.
Right now I have to filter edges with certain frequency, same with nodes, then calculate metrics, change size parameter to new numbers, vizualize and export picture. And do the same 15 times..At the beginning I was thinking to have more frequency classes, but this is just so much time and patience consuming...
So I'm just wondering if there is fastest way how to do that...

New Post: Dynamic degree


I can't think of a faster way to do that.

I believe Peter was seconding your request for an easy way to perform operations on a subset of the graph. NodeXL doesn't offer that today.

-- Tony

Updated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory

Complete NodeXL Release History (In progress)
  • When importing a Twitter network, if Twitter unexpectedly closes the network connection, NodeXL will now try to reestablish the connection. (The symptom of this problem is a message that includes the text [IOException]: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed. (2017-07-19)
  • An importer for a new Graph Server has been added. The Graph Server is currently private.
  • Bug fix: If you used NodeXL, Analysis, Subgraph Images and one of your vertices had a name that was "reserved" by Windows (con, lpt, nul, and several others), you would get an error message that included the text "[ExternalException]: A generic error occurred in GDI+". Note that subgraph image file names now always start with "Img-", as in "Img-con.png". (2013-06-19)
  • This release wraps up a set of enhancements and bug fixes that were previously included in a series of experimental private releases. All changes since the last public release ( have to do with importing Twitter networks.
  • An experiment involving "shared term" edges in the Twitter search network is still in progress, and those edges are not included in this release. (They were not included in version, either.)
  • This release is functionally identical to version (2013-06-17, private release)
  • In the Twitter search network, vertices are now added to the graph for people who were replied to or mentioned by the people who actually tweeted the specified term.
  • Bug fix: In the Twitter networks, if you checked "Expand URLs in tweets" and a malformed URL was provided by Twitter, you would get a "Partial Network" message and then the graph would have no edges. The Partial Network details included the text "[UriFormatException]: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined". Now, NodeXL doesn't attempt to expand the bad URL.
  • Bug fix: When getting a Twitter search network, you would sometimes get a "Partial Network" message with details that included the text "[KeyNotFoundException]: The given key was not present in the dictionary." (This was caused by Twitter giving NodeXL a tweet that included no information about the tweeter. NodeXL now ignores such tweets.) (2013-05-19, private release)
  • The Twitter Search Network now uses experimental shared term thresholds. This is part of an effort to obtain meaningful edges without running into Twitter's new rate limits. (2013-05-01, private release)
  • The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For advanced users of private releases only.)
  • Bug fix: If you specified shared hashtag, URL, word, or word pair edge relationships in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) did not mention the fact that the graph included those edges. (Private releases only.) (2013-04-25, private release)
  • Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel would refuse to save the workbook. The error message started with "Errors were detected while saving..." This is an Excel bug that will also arise if you type "http://" directly into a cell. This change does not fix the latter problem. (2013-04-24, private release)
  • If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no additional time will be required to get the network. This used to require additional Twitter requests, and it was marked as "slower" in the dialog box. (2013-04-08, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-04-08)
  • Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered a space (or a colon, or a few other special characters) into the "Add a vertex for each..." textbox on the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, you would get a message that included the text, "The Twitter Web service refused to provide the requested information." (2013-03-25, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-03-25)
  • There are some major changes in NodeXL's Twitter importers. See Changes in NodeXL's Twitter Importers for more information.
  • When you use dynamic filters (NodeXL, Analysis, Dynamic Filters), filtering an edge will automatically filter its adjacent vertices if the filtering causes those vertices to become isolates.
  • If you set the Visibility of vertex X to "Skip" and vertex X has adjacent vertices that are connected only to vertex X, then those adjacent vertices are now skipped as well. Previously, the adjacent vertices would remain in the graph as isolates.
  • For programmers: The NodeXL source code is now available on the CodePlex "Source Code" tab. The source code will no longer be provided as separate releases on the Downloads tab.
Go to Page 2 >>

Updated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory

Complete NodeXL Release History (In progress)
  • When importing a Twitter network, if Twitter unexpectedly closes the network connection, NodeXL will now try to reestablish the connection. (The symptom of this problem is a message that includes the text [IOException]: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed." (2017-07-19)
  • An importer for a new Graph Server has been added. The Graph Server is currently private.
  • Bug fix: If you used NodeXL, Analysis, Subgraph Images and one of your vertices had a name that was "reserved" by Windows (con, lpt, nul, and several others), you would get an error message that included the text "[ExternalException]: A generic error occurred in GDI+". Note that subgraph image file names now always start with "Img-", as in "Img-con.png". (2013-06-19)
  • This release wraps up a set of enhancements and bug fixes that were previously included in a series of experimental private releases. All changes since the last public release ( have to do with importing Twitter networks.
  • An experiment involving "shared term" edges in the Twitter search network is still in progress, and those edges are not included in this release. (They were not included in version, either.)
  • This release is functionally identical to version (2013-06-17, private release)
  • In the Twitter search network, vertices are now added to the graph for people who were replied to or mentioned by the people who actually tweeted the specified term.
  • Bug fix: In the Twitter networks, if you checked "Expand URLs in tweets" and a malformed URL was provided by Twitter, you would get a "Partial Network" message and then the graph would have no edges. The Partial Network details included the text "[UriFormatException]: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined". Now, NodeXL doesn't attempt to expand the bad URL.
  • Bug fix: When getting a Twitter search network, you would sometimes get a "Partial Network" message with details that included the text "[KeyNotFoundException]: The given key was not present in the dictionary." (This was caused by Twitter giving NodeXL a tweet that included no information about the tweeter. NodeXL now ignores such tweets.) (2013-05-19, private release)
  • The Twitter Search Network now uses experimental shared term thresholds. This is part of an effort to obtain meaningful edges without running into Twitter's new rate limits. (2013-05-01, private release)
  • The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For advanced users of private releases only.)
  • Bug fix: If you specified shared hashtag, URL, word, or word pair edge relationships in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) did not mention the fact that the graph included those edges. (Private releases only.) (2013-04-25, private release)
  • Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel would refuse to save the workbook. The error message started with "Errors were detected while saving..." This is an Excel bug that will also arise if you type "http://" directly into a cell. This change does not fix the latter problem. (2013-04-24, private release)
  • If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no additional time will be required to get the network. This used to require additional Twitter requests, and it was marked as "slower" in the dialog box. (2013-04-08, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-04-08)
  • Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered a space (or a colon, or a few other special characters) into the "Add a vertex for each..." textbox on the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, you would get a message that included the text, "The Twitter Web service refused to provide the requested information." (2013-03-25, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-03-25)
  • There are some major changes in NodeXL's Twitter importers. See Changes in NodeXL's Twitter Importers for more information.
  • When you use dynamic filters (NodeXL, Analysis, Dynamic Filters), filtering an edge will automatically filter its adjacent vertices if the filtering causes those vertices to become isolates.
  • If you set the Visibility of vertex X to "Skip" and vertex X has adjacent vertices that are connected only to vertex X, then those adjacent vertices are now skipped as well. Previously, the adjacent vertices would remain in the graph as isolates.
  • For programmers: The NodeXL source code is now available on the CodePlex "Source Code" tab. The source code will no longer be provided as separate releases on the Downloads tab.
Go to Page 2 >>

Updated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory

Complete NodeXL Release History (In progress)
  • When importing a Twitter network, if Twitter unexpectedly closes the network connection, NodeXL will now try to reestablish the connection. (The symptom of this problem is a message that includes the text [IOException]: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed." (2017-07-19)
  • An importer for a new Graph Server has been added. The Graph Server is currently private.
  • Bug fix: If you used NodeXL, Analysis, Subgraph Images and one of your vertices had a name that was "reserved" by Windows (con, lpt, nul, and several others), you would get an error message that included the text "[ExternalException]: A generic error occurred in GDI+". Note that subgraph image file names now always start with "Img-", as in "Img-con.png". (2013-06-19)
  • This release wraps up a set of enhancements and bug fixes that were previously included in a series of experimental private releases. All changes since the last public release ( have to do with importing Twitter networks.
  • An experiment involving "shared term" edges in the Twitter search network is still in progress, and those edges are not included in this release. (They were not included in version, either.)
  • This release is functionally identical to version (2013-06-17, private release)
  • In the Twitter search network, vertices are now added to the graph for people who were replied to or mentioned by the people who actually tweeted the specified term.
  • Bug fix: In the Twitter networks, if you checked "Expand URLs in tweets" and a malformed URL was provided by Twitter, you would get a "Partial Network" message and then the graph would have no edges. The Partial Network details included the text "[UriFormatException]: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined". Now, NodeXL doesn't attempt to expand the bad URL.
  • Bug fix: When getting a Twitter search network, you would sometimes get a "Partial Network" message with details that included the text "[KeyNotFoundException]: The given key was not present in the dictionary." (This was caused by Twitter giving NodeXL a tweet that included no information about the tweeter. NodeXL now ignores such tweets.) (2013-05-19, private release)
  • The Twitter Search Network now uses experimental shared term thresholds. This is part of an effort to obtain meaningful edges without running into Twitter's new rate limits. (2013-05-01, private release)
  • The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For advanced users of private releases only.)
  • Bug fix: If you specified shared hashtag, URL, word, or word pair edge relationships in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) did not mention the fact that the graph included those edges. (Private releases only.) (2013-04-25, private release)
  • Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel would refuse to save the workbook. The error message started with "Errors were detected while saving..." This is an Excel bug that will also arise if you type "http://" directly into a cell. This change does not fix the latter problem. (2013-04-24, private release)
  • If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no additional time will be required to get the network. This used to require additional Twitter requests, and it was marked as "slower" in the dialog box. (2013-04-08, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-04-08)
  • Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered a space (or a colon, or a few other special characters) into the "Add a vertex for each..." textbox on the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, you would get a message that included the text, "The Twitter Web service refused to provide the requested information." (2013-03-25, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-03-25)
  • There are some major changes in NodeXL's Twitter importers. See Changes in NodeXL's Twitter Importers for more information.
  • When you use dynamic filters (NodeXL, Analysis, Dynamic Filters), filtering an edge will automatically filter its adjacent vertices if the filtering causes those vertices to become isolates.
  • If you set the Visibility of vertex X to "Skip" and vertex X has adjacent vertices that are connected only to vertex X, then those adjacent vertices are now skipped as well. Previously, the adjacent vertices would remain in the graph as isolates.
  • For programmers: The NodeXL source code is now available on the CodePlex "Source Code" tab. The source code will no longer be provided as separate releases on the Downloads tab.
Go to Page 2 >>

Updated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory

Complete NodeXL Release History (In progress)
  • When importing a Twitter network, if Twitter unexpectedly closes the network connection, NodeXL will now try to reestablish the connection. (The symptom of this problem is a message that includes the text [IOException]: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed.") (2017-07-19)
  • An importer for a new Graph Server has been added. The Graph Server is currently private.
  • Bug fix: If you used NodeXL, Analysis, Subgraph Images and one of your vertices had a name that was "reserved" by Windows (con, lpt, nul, and several others), you would get an error message that included the text "[ExternalException]: A generic error occurred in GDI+". Note that subgraph image file names now always start with "Img-", as in "Img-con.png". (2013-06-19)
  • This release wraps up a set of enhancements and bug fixes that were previously included in a series of experimental private releases. All changes since the last public release ( have to do with importing Twitter networks.
  • An experiment involving "shared term" edges in the Twitter search network is still in progress, and those edges are not included in this release. (They were not included in version, either.)
  • This release is functionally identical to version (2013-06-17, private release)
  • In the Twitter search network, vertices are now added to the graph for people who were replied to or mentioned by the people who actually tweeted the specified term.
  • Bug fix: In the Twitter networks, if you checked "Expand URLs in tweets" and a malformed URL was provided by Twitter, you would get a "Partial Network" message and then the graph would have no edges. The Partial Network details included the text "[UriFormatException]: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined". Now, NodeXL doesn't attempt to expand the bad URL.
  • Bug fix: When getting a Twitter search network, you would sometimes get a "Partial Network" message with details that included the text "[KeyNotFoundException]: The given key was not present in the dictionary." (This was caused by Twitter giving NodeXL a tweet that included no information about the tweeter. NodeXL now ignores such tweets.) (2013-05-19, private release)
  • The Twitter Search Network now uses experimental shared term thresholds. This is part of an effort to obtain meaningful edges without running into Twitter's new rate limits. (2013-05-01, private release)
  • The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For advanced users of private releases only.)
  • Bug fix: If you specified shared hashtag, URL, word, or word pair edge relationships in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, the graph summary (NodeXL, Graph, Summary) did not mention the fact that the graph included those edges. (Private releases only.) (2013-04-25, private release)
  • Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel would refuse to save the workbook. The error message started with "Errors were detected while saving..." This is an Excel bug that will also arise if you type "http://" directly into a cell. This change does not fix the latter problem. (2013-04-24, private release)
  • If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no additional time will be required to get the network. This used to require additional Twitter requests, and it was marked as "slower" in the dialog box. (2013-04-08, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-04-08)
  • Bug fix: In versions and 237, if you entered a space (or a colon, or a few other special characters) into the "Add a vertex for each..." textbox on the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, you would get a message that included the text, "The Twitter Web service refused to provide the requested information." (2013-03-25, private release)
  • Same as, but with additional edge options. (2013-03-25)
  • There are some major changes in NodeXL's Twitter importers. See Changes in NodeXL's Twitter Importers for more information.
  • When you use dynamic filters (NodeXL, Analysis, Dynamic Filters), filtering an edge will automatically filter its adjacent vertices if the filtering causes those vertices to become isolates.
  • If you set the Visibility of vertex X to "Skip" and vertex X has adjacent vertices that are connected only to vertex X, then those adjacent vertices are now skipped as well. Previously, the adjacent vertices would remain in the graph as isolates.
  • For programmers: The NodeXL source code is now available on the CodePlex "Source Code" tab. The source code will no longer be provided as separate releases on the Downloads tab.
Go to Page 2 >>

New Post: Social network outputs from nodeXL and Ucinet

I am currently using several SNA tools to analyze the data.
However, the outputs from nodeXL are slightly different from the ones from Ucinet and R.
This slight difference in outputs determines the significance in statistical results of my study.
I understand basic theoretical formula for each social network measure such as degree, betweenness, etc.
I assume that you used them for developing nodeXL.
I would like to know what causes this issue and any solution for this.
Thank you!


New Post: Social network outputs from nodeXL and Ucinet


NodeXL calculates a few graph metrics itself, but it uses a software library called SNAP from Jure Leskovec's group at Stanford ( http://snap.stanford.edu/ ) to calculate most of them. SNAP is a high-performance graph analysis package used by a variety of applications.

I haven't performed a side-by-side comparison of NodeXL's graph metrics with those calculated by UCINET or R, so I can't comment on the detailed differences between the results they produce. However, here are a few possible explanations that come to mind:
  1. Rounding errors in the various calculations.
  2. Rounding in Excel's displayed values. You may see the value "0.042" shown for a Closeness Centrality in the NodeXL workbook, for example, but the actual value in Excel's formula bar is 0.041667.
  3. Results may be normalized in NodeXL but not in UCINET and R, or vice-versa.
  4. The different packages may use different algorithms.
-- Tony

New Post: Dynamic degree

Hi Tony, The way a dynamic degree option would work for me would be: For a group, calculate the in and out degree of only those edges originating and terminating at nodes within the group. And, when I am using the dynamic filter on the entire graph, show
just the edges that originate and terminate at those nodes that appear on the graph itself. For example, my data include an attribute for "like." The value ranges from 1 to 5 ("dislike intensely" to "like very much"). I want to know for instance, how many
subjects "like very much" a particular node, and how many nodes that particular node "likes very much." I can show this on the graph by using the dynamic filter (a great feature, btw). Would this be possible to do without great effort on your part? Thank you.

New Post: Social network outputs from nodeXL and Ucinet

Thank you for the reply!

-- Jinie
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