New Post: How many edges can NodeXl import?
Doug: How did you determine that NodeXL can import only 52,100 edges? The resource limits that Marc discussed usually result in "out of memory" messages or other errors. In your case, does NodeXL read...
View ArticleNew Post: Import from Facebook Fan Page
Is this a large network you are requesting from Twitter? The message appears to be saying that your computer doesn't have enough memory to import such a large network. There are a few things you can do...
View ArticleNew Post: Drawing ad viewing Changes in NodeXl Dynamically
Is it possible to view changes done to a graph dyamically in nodexl? By means when a chage is down to the graph it would show at once in the corresponding rendered version. I am not using any layout...
View ArticleNew Post: Drawing ad viewing Changes in NodeXl Dynamically
I like your graph. It reminds me iron particles lining up along magnetic poles. I assume that you are calling drawGraph(false) to draw your graph. The false argument tells NodeXL to bypass the layout...
View ArticleNew Post: How to draw vertex with its original position after loading graphml...
Dear tcap479! I have a graphml file and it contains the (X, Y)-axis coordinate. How could I draw these vertices with its coordinate(V-X, V-Y) after using LoadGraphFromFile function? Can you show me...
View ArticleNew Post: Making a list network using mentions and replies
Hello everyone, I am trying to create a Twitter list network of NBA players who interact with each other via mentions and replies to each other. The trouble I am having is that NodeXL seems to only...
View ArticleNew Post: How to draw vertex with its original position after loading graphml...
using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using...
View ArticleNew Post: How to draw vertex with its original position after loading graphml...
Thank you very much! :P
View ArticleNew Post: Making a list network using mentions and replies
Rick: As you've noted, the Twitter List Network looks only at the latest tweets from the users you specify. Your idea for looking at earlier tweets as well, perhaps with an option for specifying how...
View ArticleNew Post: DrawGraph on Vertexdoubleclick event
Hi Tony, I think I have resolved the issue. I created an usercontrol which has two constructors. One was the default one which was used to construct the graph initially and the other one was the...
View ArticleNew Post: Import from Facebook Fan Page
Thank you very much, problem solved! I closed Google Chrome pages
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.240 (In progress, private release) If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.240 (In progress, private release) If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Add an API option to get rid of the border around images...
Currently each image vertex (VertextShape.Image) is drawn with a border using the vertex color. This color is also used to draw the associated label. However, my graph (showing all vertices as image)...
View ArticleNew Post: Configuring bundled edges and labels in C# project
I am playing around with the C# code snippet from the documentation (see below). Is there an easy way to activate labels for the vertices and to set up bundled edges as you can easily do in the Excel...
View ArticleNew Post: Coding Isolates - Closed network
Hi Mark, I’ve just began using NodeXL. I’m examining the health advice-seeking interactions among mothers with children under five in a rural community in Vanuatu. What do I enter in Vertex 2 when a...
View ArticleNew Post: Coding Isolates - Closed network
Here is how you can enter isolated vertices into a NodeXL workbook. I copied this from the "Graphs with Isolated Vertices" topic at NodeXL, Help, Help. -- Tony Some graphs have isolated vertices, or...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
Hello, I'm trying to use NodeXL to create an EventGraph from a Twitter hashtag. The problem is NodeXL seems to allow me to import either the follower edges or the Tweet/mentions/replied edges but not...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.240 (2013-04-24, private release) If you check "add statistic columns to the Vertices worksheet" in the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, no additional...
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