Source code checked in, #71948
Updates the NodeXL source code to version, but with extra edges removed from Twitter search network.
View ArticleCommented Issue: Installation error with Visual Studio [23863]
I have Windows 7 and Office 2010 and keep getting the following error when I try to installComponent Visual Studio Tools for the Office system 3.0 Runtime Service Pack 1 has failed to install with the...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.241 (In progress, private release) Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.241 (In progress, private release) Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.241 (2013-04-25, private release) Bug fix: If you imported a Twitter network that included the empty hyperlink "http://" somewhere in the network's text, Excel...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
Bryan: If you go to NodeXL, Data, Import, From Twitter Search Network in recent versions of NodeXL, there are options to add an edge for each replies-to relationship, mentions relationship, and follows...
View ArticleNew Post: Configuring bundled edges and labels in C# project
NodeXL uses a dictionary of key/value pairs with reserved key names to set things such as vertex color, size, and labels. To set a vertex label, do...
View ArticleNew Post: import incidence matrix
Hi all, I’m new to NodeXL and I am wondering whether there is a better way of importing my data than the way I have been attempting to do it. I have an affiliation/incidence matrix in Ucinet’s dl...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
Tony, Thanks for the response. I'm seeing the options and checking the boxes, but not getting all of the edges. In my most recent attempt I checked all the options and got follows, tweets and mentions...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
Bryan: Please tell me the following information, and I'll try to reproduce the problem on my own computer. The version of NodeXL you are using. You can find out by going to NodeXL, Help, About in the...
View ArticleNew Post: import incidence matrix
Lisa: NodeXL can directly import UCINET data only if it's in what UCINET calls the "full matrix DL file" format. You said you tried that but you got an error. What was the error message? (Note that you...
View ArticleNew Post: Configuring bundled edges and labels in C# project
Thanks, big help. Labeling is pretty easy, switching from a nodeXLVisual to a nodeXLControl more complex. Instead of that I used NodeXLVisual.GraphDrawer.EdgeDrawer.CurveStyle = EdgeCurveStyle.Bezier;...
View ArticleNew Post: Average Geodesic Distance
I'm doing network analysis of cosponsorship in Congress for a college project. I am learning about network analysis and NodeXL as I go, so I apologize for this probably stupid question but I could not...
View ArticleNew Post: Average Geodesic Distance
Alice: Average geodesic distance is the sum of the shortest paths between vertex pairs divided by the number of possible vertex pairs, so the average can be less than one. The graph metrics that NodeXL...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
Tony, I'm using version My settings are: Vertex contains: #prepcom Add an edge for:"Replies to""Mentions" Tweet that is not a "replies-to" or "mentions" Follows relationship (All boxes...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
Hello! Thanks for the interest in the NodeXL project. See: for a sample map for your query. You can use the settings in that workbook to...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
Bryan: Thanks for the details. I'll try your settings later today. However, the version of NodeXL you are using includes the latest Twitter changes, which (among other things) severely affect how long...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
I am still using the 1.0 interface, but I do not expect that to be available in about two weeks. As you note, the 1.1 API makes the time to do the Follows query so long that a single map is likely to...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
@Tony, Yes, I am getting a lot of "Reached Twitter rate limits." This morning's run resulted in 199 edges and 26 nodes, and took about an hour. @Marc Thanks much for the fantastic map! I'll definitely...
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
Bryan: My earlier calculations were off; it should take a few hours to get the followers for 200 tweeters. I didn't want to wait that long during my tests, though, so I installed version and...
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