New Post: date
I would like to ask if it is possible to import data from twitter for specific dates. for example the last 2-3 days thanks in advance
View ArticleNew Post: date
No, Twitter does not allow queries to be scoped by date. Further, Twitter will return Tweets only for the past week or so. Your best bet is to start the scheduled, repeated, collection of data starting...
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dkar: Yes, within limits. In the Import from Twitter Search Network dialog box, click the "Advanced search help" link and see the "since" and "until" operators on Twitter's "Using advanced search"...
View ArticleNew Post: date
I just noticed that Marc posted the opposite answer. He might have been using an older version of NodeXL, and as I mentioned, I didn't try that. You want to be using the latest version of NodeXL in any...
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thank you very much for your answer! one more question. where can i find a macro that automatically identify followers who retweet their friends post?
View ArticleNew Post: EventGraphs
Tony, Thank you for your extensive testing and follow up. Maybe the issue is just the time lag. The conference is due to end later this week, and I will be able to perform some additional tests of the...
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That sounds like a highly specialized macro. I suspect you will have to write it yourself. -- Tony
View ArticleNew Post: Average Geodesic Distance
Thank you for the information about the statistics, it is really helpful. I guess my question for average geodesic distance then is: what are the components of the sum in the numerator? Do we sum the...
View ArticleNew Post: saving nodexl graphs with axis
I want to save the graphs in the nodexl graph pan with axis. I tired like this' right click on it -save image' but it appears only with out the axis ( indegree and out degree). can any body help me in...
View ArticleNew Post: HelloWorld in Visual Studio 2012
I'm trying to get a basic graph to show in VS 2012. I've read the help files, but they assume a layout with a NodeXLControl, which is where the XAML comes into play (and things get all messed up). The...
View ArticleNew Post: Average Geodesic Distance
Alice: NodeXL uses a library called SNAP ( to calculate geodesic distances, so I had to dig into that library to see what it is doing. Take the simple three-vertex graph...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.242 (In progress, private release) The shared word user threshold can now be specified in a network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For...
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Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.242 (In progress, private release) The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For...
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Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.242 (In progress, private release) The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For...
View ArticleUpdated Wiki: CompleteReleaseHistory
Complete NodeXL Release History1.0.1.242 (2013-05-01, private release) The shared word user threshold can now be specified in the network configuration file used by the Network Server program. (For...
View ArticleNew Post: saving nodexl graphs with axis
The axes don't get saved to the image, as you've discovered. We have a work item to fix that, but we haven't gotten to it yet. In the meantime, a possible workaround is to take a screenshot of the...
View ArticleNew Post: HelloWorld in Visual Studio 2012
I don't have Visual Studio 2012, so I can't do exactly what you're doing. I just tried it in Visual Studio 2010 and it worked fine, but I know that doesn't help you much. One problem is that the...
View ArticleNew Post: HelloWorld in Visual Studio 2012
I'm working with Bastiaan on the project, and we fixed the problem. It was quite an easy fix. The problem was that Windows (7) 'locked' the files, because they originated from the internet. To fix the...
View ArticleNew Post: HelloWorld in Visual Studio 2012
A variation on the fix suggested by Rbottema is to "unblock" the file after you download it. Then when you unzip the file, all the unzipped files will be unblocked as...
View ArticleNew Post: Total count of Likes/Comments
If I'm getting user post networks for comments and likes, is there an easy way to get the total number of comments and likes for a post? Could columns be added to the vertices sheet that contain sums...
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