New Post: Directly connected verticles
Hi, Thanks for your comments. I really enjoyed this software and will be using it for other things. I was just hoping it could do this as well :p Ill probably just do a model in netlogo, that will...
View ArticleNew Post: Group Label - Word Count per Group?
I'm wondering if it's possible to use the Autofill Columns options to input Words and word pairs for each individual group as a group name? I've seen it done in the Graph Gallery, but I'm not able to...
View ArticleNew Post: Group Label - Word Count per Group?
Hello! Thanks for the interest in NodeXL. Group labels are controlled from the Groups Worksheet. Use NodeXL>Show/Hide>Workbook Columns to display the "Labels" section. Each group has a row in the...
View ArticleNew Post: Group Label - Word Count per Group?
MarcSmith wrote: Hello! Thanks for the interest in NodeXL. Group labels are controlled from the Groups Worksheet. Use NodeXL>Show/Hide>Workbook Columns to display the "Labels" section. Each group...
View ArticleNew Post: Group Label - Word Count per Group?
The measure: "people who post/comment on the most videos" sounds like it is a Vertex attribute. The Top Items feature will select the N highest vertices on any value present in the Vertices worksheet....
View ArticleNew Post: Group Label - Word Count per Group?
I see what you're saying - that the value needs to be present in the worksheet. I was thinking that I could do almost like a pivot table type count, but I misunderstood the Top Items metrics. Now that...
View ArticleNew Post: Refining Flickr Tag search with Import
Hello, Flickr's advanced search options allows for specific tag searches to be limited by content type. I'm particularly interested in the 'Screenshot' option and wondering if the NodeXL data import...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem importing data from Twitter
Hello, I've been using NodeXL for a university project. I have been importing data from Twitter search networks relating to specific topics and events. Since yesterday there appears to be an issue...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem importing data from Twitter
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL. Twitter has changed its API interface. API 1.0 has been turned off. API 1.1 requires a newer version of NodeXL (the current v.238) works. Please have a look...
View ArticleNew Post: Refining Flickr Tag search with Import
Hello, Chris: No, it can't. The Flickr service that NodeXL is getting its information from doesn't offer that type of option. -- Tony
View ArticleNew Post: Build 238/Excel2007: [TargetException]: Object does not match...
Problem experienced in Excel 2007 under XP when trying to generate graph metrics. Running the 238 build. I did this with a new vanilla set of data and tried various combinations of options in the...
View ArticleNew Post: Refining Flickr Tag search with Import
Thanks for the response and the link Tony, much appreciated. Cheers Chris
View ArticleNew Post: Why are retweets tagged as tweets?
Hi there, I have just imported tweets for #corpgov. Here is the how it is tagged in NodeXL: Tweet 6/7/2013 17:06 RT @Competia: Ha. Google bans Google Glass at its annual shareholders meeting via...
View ArticleNew Post: Why are retweets tagged as tweets?
Hello! Thanks for the continued interest in NodeXL. Currently, NodeXL builds connections among all the authors of tweets collected in a query. In some cases an author is replied to or mentioned but...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Excel 2013 support [24368]
Full support for Office/Excel 2013Comments: ** Comment from web user: BJ_Raval ** Which version supports Excel 2013 on Windows 8 Desktop? Can current release be installed on Excel 2013 on Windows 8?TIA
View ArticleNew Post: office 2013
Can current version of NodeXL be installed on Excel 2013 and Windows 8 Desktop? When will the upgrade version be released? Any ballpark date for the release? TIA BR
View ArticleNew Post: Vertex Images
Looking at the Image File column under the Vertices tab, I see two choices, full path or URL. I need to make files which are self-contained and easily portable. Is it possible to embed the image...
View ArticleNew Post: Vertex Images
You can't do that today--the images have to reside in separate files on your computer or on a website. It sounds like a useful feature, though. I'll add it to our feature request list. Thanks,Tony
View ArticleNew Post: Build 238/Excel2007: [TargetException]: Object does not match...
Did you have Office 2013 Preview or Office 2013 installed on this computer at one time? This problem occurred for another person, and that was the cause. Please see "problem when try to generate graph...
View ArticleNew Post: Build 238/Excel2007: [TargetException]: Object does not match...
Hi Tony. I already had checked out that ticket. This is a straight office 2007 installation with service packs and hotfixes installed. Office 10/13 has not been near this machine. Thx. CKSent from my...
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