Created Unassigned: Instalation Failed [24721]
Hi,I've occurred some problems while installing NodeXL NodeXL_1.0.1.250. "An error occurred while installing system components for NodeXL Excel Template. Setup cannot continue until al system...
View ArticleNew Post: how to paint the curve not just the Straight line
hi all i tried to generate the graph such as this (, but i always get this ( how do i generate the curve and how to...
View ArticleNew Post: how to paint the curve not just the Straight line
Hello! Thank you for the interest in NodeXL. Edge styles can be set in the Graph Options dialog which is accessed from the Graph Pane's menu (this is a window labeled "Document Actions" in Excel). It...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Microsoft 2007/2010 install issues [24708]
Hi - I'm trying to install the latest version of NodeXL and have downloaded and unzipped the files. When I 'run' the installer, the message I get each time is "Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Microsoft 2007/2010 install issues [24708]
Hi - I'm trying to install the latest version of NodeXL and have downloaded and unzipped the files. When I 'run' the installer, the message I get each time is "Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop...
View ArticleNew Post: how to paint the curve not just the Straight line
Marc, Thank you for providing the requested information. You are so kind. It's so amazing. But, i want to try another cases to check the way you taught. Could you please teach me next time if another...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Microsoft 2007/2010 install issues [24708]
Hi - I'm trying to install the latest version of NodeXL and have downloaded and unzipped the files. When I 'run' the installer, the message I get each time is "Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Microsoft 2007/2010 install issues [24708]
Hi - I'm trying to install the latest version of NodeXL and have downloaded and unzipped the files. When I 'run' the installer, the message I get each time is "Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop...
View ArticleNew Post: Sociogram
Hi to All, I'm trying to determine if NODEXL is a viable option to create a sociogram that shows connections and has the ability to display (or at least tag with) projects in which someone may be...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Microsoft 2007/2010 install issues [24708]
Hi - I'm trying to install the latest version of NodeXL and have downloaded and unzipped the files. When I 'run' the installer, the message I get each time is "Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop...
View ArticleNew Post: Sociogram
Yes, that sounds like a use case that can be accomplished with NodeXL. What kind of data do you have? What would you like to learn from it? -- Marc
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Instalation Failed [24721]
Hi,I've occurred some problems while installing NodeXL NodeXL_1.0.1.250. "An error occurred while installing system components for NodeXL Excel Template. Setup cannot continue until al system...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Microsoft 2007/2010 install issues [24708]
Hi - I'm trying to install the latest version of NodeXL and have downloaded and unzipped the files. When I 'run' the installer, the message I get each time is "Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop...
View ArticleNew Post: C++ code of Wakita-Tsurumi clustering algorithm WITHOUT heuristics?
Dear all, In NodeXL, I'm getting great results using the Wakita-Tsurumi clustering algorithm that does not contain heuristics to help clusters grow in a balanced way (based on a consolitation ratio)....
View ArticleNew Post: Sociagram (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONEMarc,I work for the Department of the Army and we are looking for something that we can use to quickly determine who the stakeholders are on any given topic....
View ArticleNew Post: Sociagram (UNCLASSIFIED)
Ron, Thank you for the interest in NodeXL. Social network analysis is one way to find people who occupy key positions in networks. NodeXL is a simple to use tool for non-programmers who need to access,...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Microsoft 2007/2010 install issues [24708]
Hi - I'm trying to install the latest version of NodeXL and have downloaded and unzipped the files. When I 'run' the installer, the message I get each time is "Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop...
View ArticleNew Post: How to display vertex colour in grouped layouts
Hi there For a twitter search network I group by components. That works great and looks like this: But I want to display the nodes in the colour listed in a column of the vertex sheet. When I have a...
View ArticleNew Post: How to display vertex colour in grouped layouts
Hello! Try NodeXL > Analysis > Groups > Group Options > Set the "What colors should be used for the groups' vertices?" to "The colors specified in the Vertex Color column on the Vertices...
View ArticleNew Post: How to display vertex colour in grouped layouts
Hi Marc Try NodeXL > Analysis > Groups > Group Options > Thanks for this! I should've found it myself... One problems remains though: The olour of the label text has now change from black...
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